chapter 2

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Eleven days after the accident, I was released from Torrance Memorial Medical Center. I had apparently only been awake, however, for eight of the eleven days that I had stayed in Torrance Memorial.

My father had only visited my twice during my sojourn in Torrance. But in all honesty, I hadn't been expecting much more from him than that. Howard Knight was not the most reliable being, and to be frank, I was quite surprised that he had took the time to visit me at all. And if he was to be feeling any emotion at all over this whole thing, it was most likely anger. We didn't currently have the money to pay the lavishing prices of the modern day Los Angeles hospital. 

A few of my YouTube friends had come and visited me in the eleven days, which explains where all of the get well gifts had come from. But other than that, my stay had been pretty quiet and extremely dim. 

I greeted my father at the exit of Torrance. His smile was fake, and it was also stressed. I didn't really know what to think at the moment. I haven't lived with Howard in over two years, and I wasn't ready, nor was I eager, to be temporarily living with him. 

Me having to stay with Howard, was a consequence of the accident. Before the accident, I lived in a small apartment with Morgan and Taylor. But now, with both of them gone, I didn't have the money to pay rent. 

I had been trying to force the thought of them being gone out of my head all week. But thinking about their death was inevitable. There was no way that I could not think about them. How could somebody lose two of their closest friends, and just forget about it? I didn't know what to think, what to do. Everything was going to be different, and nothing was going to be the same. I didn't know how I was going to process without the two of them by my side. I needed them. More than anything 

The car ride to my father’s house was awkward and silent. Part of me was grateful that he wasn't up for talking, but the other part of me was wishing he cared enough to try. 

However, I took the silence and I used it as an opportunity to ponder over what I was going to do next. I couldn't stay with my father. He wasn't stable enough house me, and there was no way that I would be able to trust him again. But there was also no way that I could stay in our old apartment. Both because of the money that I do not have, and more importantly, because of the memories that live inside the walls of our small metropolitan apartment. I didn't think that I could live with them. There was no way. Not only had it been my escape and safe haven from my father, it was also the place where Taylor decided that she wasn't strong enough continue on. I didn't know how I could leave it, but what I know was that I couldn't stay in it. 

I would just have to wait. To see how this plays out. I mean, who knows right? Maybe an amazing opportunity for housing would pop up sometime soon. 

Upon arriving home, the first thing I did was go upstairs to visit my old room. Nothing had changed. It looked the same exact way it did when I had moved out two years ago. It looked like it had been untouched. Purple walls. Large, queen sized bed in the center of the room. My walls covered in posters, awards, ribbons. 

Looking around this room gets me thinking about all of the things that have happened here. From sleepovers with friends, to late night talks with my mom. All these memories come flooding back, and I couldn’t help but break down, thinking about one memory in particular. 


"I swear he likes you! Did you see the way he looked at you?" Taylor asks grinning widely. 

"Yeah, it’s obvious Ava! Come on. You know you like him too." Morgan teased, nudging my arm with her elbow. We were currently sitting in my room on my bed, talking about the quarterback at school, Aiden Clark. I couldn't tell you how long I had liked the boy, and hearing my friends talk about him liking me, was crazy insane. 

"Yeah right," I said with a shake of my head. "He’s way out of my league."

"No he isn't! Girl you are cute. Your athletic, you’re smart. You’re amazing. Any guy would be lucky to have you. Especially Aiden." Morgan protested, flipping her long blonde hair. 

"Aweee! Does Morgy have a wittle crush?" Taylor teased, and all of us laughed. This was just a normal Friday night for the three of us. That's what we thought it was going to be anyways. A little bit later in the night, we began to settle down, turning on the TV and watching reruns of "full house". I was almost asleep when Taylor tapped my shoulder. My father was apparently supposed to be working night shift tonight, and wasn't supposed to be back till a little after five in the morning. 

"Ava, I think I heard something downstairs." Taylor whispered to me and Morgan. 

"Are you sure tay? You tend to be a little paranoid at times." Morgan said in a tired voice. 

"No guys I'm sure. It sounded like the door." Taylor once again whispered, this time sounding a bit more panicked. 

"I'm sure that its-" I was interrupted by the sound of stomping feet climbing the stairs. Morgan’s eyes widened, and my eyes wondered back and forth between Morgan and Taylor. I stood up slowly, tiptoeing towards the door. I turn back to my two best friends and mouth at them the word "hide". They got up quietly and slowly walked over to my closet. 

"Hah. Great hiding place." I thought to myself. 

I continued to walk towards the door, my heart was pounding, and my hands were shaking. I was about to grab the door handle when-


The door flung open at me, I braced myself little too late, and the door came flying at me, hitting me square in the jaw, and causing me to fall flat on back. The wind knocked out of me, my first instinct was to scream, but I soon discovered that couldn't even breathe. 

Once I gained back some sense, I took action immediately. The first thing I attempted to do was stand up, but a large hand came flying at my face, slapping me across the check. The next blow came to my stomach, causing me to fall to the ground and curl up into a ball. I was scared to look up, but once I did, I regretted doing it. The person I saw, who was currently beating me, was my father. It was Howard. And he was dead drunk. 

"What’s wrong with you Avalon?! See what you've made me do?!" He screamed in a slurred voice. 

"Dad stop!" I screamed through tears, "You’re hurting me!" 

"You deserve it you worthless whore!" His words only made me cry harder. He continued screaming at me, while kicking me repeatedly, but eventually, I zoned out. His words became inaudible, and I pretended that I was in a faraway place. A place that I didn't know, but I knew didn't exist. My mother was rocking me in her arms, and we were somewhere quiet and peaceful. We were somewhere that my father didn't exist. 


Thinking of the memory made me shiver. The kind of shiver that started in your shoulders, and then went on and spread to the rest of your body, making your entire body go cold. Making you feel something almost next to nothing. I was completely f*cked up. On so many different levels. I had no idea how in the hell I would continue to do sports. How to sing, to play guitar. Or even how I could continue YouTube. I needed to fix myself before I could continue to do any of these things. I only could see one logical explanation at that point. I had to take a break of all of these things for a while. I needed to figure some stuff out. And in order to do that I had to take a break from YouTube. 





ello my marshmellows xD 

I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Its not really that interesting, but you get to see inside of avalons past which is kinda cool lol. It didnt take me as long to write this chapter as it did the last, which is kinda weird, because this one was a lot longer. I put a lot of effort into both, however, so if you guys could vote, that would be amazing. 

Also, the boys will be in the story in a few chapters, and I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Anyways, Ill see you guys next update (which is Monday by the way) 

Have a great week! Baiiii. -M

(P.s. the "m" above, stands for McKenna, aka @youarethesuicideroom. Whenever you see an "h", its haley. Haley owns this account. okie thats it baiii)

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