Chapter 2

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Imelda sat down on the park bench, watching Oscar and Felipe happily playing in the sandbox. 

She was trying to process what happened. Her mother would eventually stop caring for them altogether, but what would she do in the mean time, and what would she do after?

She would raise Oscar and Felipe. She would cook. She would clean. She wanted her brothers to remember a good childhood. She would also have to protect the twins from their mother.

This was the right thing to do.

She could get a job, learn how to make shoes from the old shoemaker. Imelda looked at her shoes, then her brothers' in disgust.

She would definitely learn how to make shoes.

Maybe, when Imelda is old enough to move out, she can take her brothers with her.....

Or they could run away.

No, she thought. She will just protect them from Mamá. They need a home to grow up in.

She suddenly was brought back into reality when she heard Oscar and Felipe crying.

There was a chubby boy towering above them, about 5.

He had greasy, black, unkept hair, and was smirking at the twins.

The twins were looking up at the older boy, frightened.

The older boy kicked some sand on the twins, and the twins backed into a corner of a sandbox huddling together, at a loss of what to do.

Suddenly the twins were picked up, they're heads snapped up to see who picked the up, and relief crossed their features when they saw it was Imelda.

"Let's get you two cleaned up." Imelda sweetly said, lovingly smiling at the twins.

The twins smiled and happily nodded, clinging on to Imelda.

Then Imelda shot a glare at the 5 year old, like daggers coming from her eyes. The boy whimpered and ran back to his supposed parents.

Imelda smirked and carried the twins home.


When they arrived at the house, they siblings found it empty.

They were relieved their mother wasn't there.

Normally, Imelda would have bathed the twins downstairs, but she, Oscar, and Felipe now had a bad relationship with their mother.

So she carried the twins upstairs and made a warm bath for them.

The twins jumped up and down, cheering.

When the bath was ready, Imelda set them in the bath tub, and gave them some cheap cups and rubber ducks to play with.

Felipe grabbed a cup and grinned, he filled it up with water and dumped it on Oscar's head.

For a second Oscar sat there looking in shock at his brother, but then he grinned to, and dumped water on Felipe's head.

They kept doing this, politely taking turns.

Imelda just fondly smiled at them.

She then pulled them out of the tub after they got all the sand off, and dried them off.

She carried them to their room, just down the hall way, and found them pajamas.

They were plain sky blue pajamas.

The twins looked at each others' pajamas in satisfaction.

"Okay, Oscar? Felipe?" Imelda asked.

The twins' heads turned around immediately.

"I have to go cook dinner, but you two can come with me." Imelda smiled

The twins grinned happily and quickly nodded in agreement.

Imelda held their hands, and they walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"You two can play on the floor until dinner's ready, if you watch, maybe you can learn how to make it." Imelda smiled.

The twins nodded.

"I wanna weawn how two cwook!"  Felipe shouted.

"Jwust wike Imeldwa!" Oscar added.

"Well, for me to teach you how to cook, your going to have to be a bit older." Imelda grinned.

"Awwwwwwwww..." The twins said in unison.

Imelda fondly smiled and put tortillas on a pan.

She turned the stove on and put the pan on it.

She then poured the toppings on it, and folded it over. She did this two more times.

She set the dishes on the table.

She then set Oscar and Felipe in their high chairs, and gave the each a quesadilla.

She then sat down with her own.

Just then they heard a loud bang, and Imelda's shoe was off instantly.

She then saw her mother, drunkenly stumbling into things.

Imelda stood there, looking in shock at the sight.

Their mother's hair was a mess, she had a tequila bottle in her hand.

She stumbled toward the table, and took Imelda's food.

Imelda knew she wouldn't be able to get it back, and there weren't anymore ingredients to make another.

Imelda sighed and looked down at the table.

Oscar and Felipe looked at each other, then nodded.

They both tore their quesadilla in half.

"Imelda!" They shouted in unison.

Imelda's head whipped up, and was shocked to find both of the twins holding out half of their quesadilla, grinning at her.

She smiled at took each half.

"Gracias." Imelda smiled.

The three happily ate their food.


Hey, guys! Less brutal chapter, yay! Look out for Chapter 3! If you have ANY suggestions for the next chapter, please comment below, or message me! Thanks for your support! ❤️❤️❤️

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