Getting Info at 15

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"Before you were born, we were already going to have a baby." My father had his fingers intertwined with each other. Occasionally he would untangle them and tap them on the desk. Which was completely driving me bonkers. But I put up with it because I just wanted to know what was happening.

I already knew that they had another child before me. I read it in a newspaper from 1992. It was in a little black box, folded so many times it was hard to read it. I was only 10 when I found it, so I didn't care too much. I barely even understood it. I had no idea what a miscarriage even was at the time.

" We were going to have a little baby boy. We already had everything figured out. His room was already set up. Your grandmama on my side had flown out to see him because he was going to be born in a week. Everything was going great." he did a slight smile. Thinking about the event. Then, he stopped smiling. His hands were removed from his desk and he put them in his lap. His head went down a little in shame.

"A few days before the baby was suppose to be born, I had a little too much to drink. I was at a local bar with some old friends of mine. Then some girls I thought were in colleges came over to us and I was so drunk I didn't even think about what I was doing."

"I brought her home. Your mother was hanging out with some of her friends. She came home earlier than expected. And she saw me and the girl." He got up from his chair and took long strides to the window. "She was very mad at me, she was yelling and screaming. At me and at the girl that was in our bed. I got mad at her. I pushed her, she stumbled and landed on her back. She went unconscious. I was scared, the girl got scared. At the time I had no idea that I had brought a 16 year old girl into this. I thought she was older like what she said. But she wasn't."

"So I took your mother to the hospital, she lost the baby. It was a displaced placenta, and it was all because of me."

He turned around, his eyes were glassy, and tears were going down his cheeks. This was the first time I have ever seen him cry. And for a moment, he looked human. Not the monster he was starting to become in my eyes.

"She had covered for me. Told police the she had fallen. After she had lost the baby, she had went through a deep depression. She wouldn't eat, she wouldn't talk to anyone, and she would just sit down and look at a mirror. Every single day." He walked back to his chair and sat in it.

"I had also been depressed at the time too. The lose of the baby had been a big toll on me. But instead of isolating myself like your mother, I decided to replace. I fucked every single women with a heart beat. And it felt good. But the press was starting to get wind of my bad little habits. So I fleed."

"I went to France, which was my favorite place. They have the best women there. Every single one of them like to party, they like to be with different men every night. Which was great for me. Until I found Colette."

His eyes sparkled when he said her name, the corners of his mouth went up. Whenever he said my mother's name he never did that.

"She was the daughter of a butcher. So she did not take a lot of crap. But I feel in love with her, and she feel in love with me. She was the best thing in my life at the moment. So we decided to get married. It was small, no one knew about it but us and a couple of her friends. It was not official of course. So I stayed in France, but the press in America were getting suspicious. And so was my family. I went back to America, and never left your mothers side for two years."

He took a breath then looked at me, truly looked at me. Like he was seeing me for the first time in awhile.

"Colette had a child. Named her Zoe. After about year, she couldn't take care of the child. Her father had grown ill, and she was the only person to take care of him. So she got on a plane with the child and came to America. Gave me the baby, and she was off again. And that's how we got you.We told the press that your mother was in hiding because she was with a new child, and that we didn't want the child to get too self centered. And they ate it up. I told your mother that I went to a surrogate mother for the child. And she never questioned it. She was just happy to have a child. And she still does not know. Do you have any questions?"

I looked up at him, I could feel my eyes starting to water. But I closed them, I didn't want to show weakness. I got up so I was taller then him while he was still sitting. I wiped the tears that were starting to form.

"Where is my mother?"



I knocked on the door three times, making sure to be loud. A faint sigh came from the other side, then a shuffling of feet.

"We do not want any of your damn vacuums! Get a real job!" Peter's sister yelled when she opened the door. She looked at me and smiled.

"Well isn't it the little whore." her teeth bared and her head bobbed up and down.

I had always suspected she hated me. Even when I first met her. She looked down at me, like I belonged in the trash. But I don't like to talk bad about her. I know she has been through a lot.

"Hello Veronica." I smiled, even though she was the devil, I needed information. Meaning I had to be the nicest I could be.

"I heard you got yourself knocked-up. Always knew you were a little slut." she laughed.

I let that go, I still needed information and she wasn't going to budge if I was mean. "Look Veronica. I know you hate me. But, I need your help."

She had a smug look on her stupid face. "You need me? How the tables have turned little one. What do you want?" she crossed her arms across her chest and leaned against the door frame.

"Where is Peter?"


Author's Note:

Hello people.

I just wanted to clear some stuff up. I am not saying that people in France are loose. It is a terrible stereotype. And I am sorry to use it.

Also I do not know if I mentioned the name of the Peter's sister in any other chapter. But now her name is Veronica and she is a total bitch.

I am working on new books and they will be out by August 5th.

Love ya,


Just kidding I don't know y'all

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