School at 15

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It had been a week since I left.

And over the week I had managed to do some stupid stuff.

1. Moved out of my nice house. And to a 3 bedroom apartment that was already furnished. The bad news is that it's no where near my new school.

2. Which means I had to move schools.

3. And the only one that took me just happened to be the same school Laura goes to. A public school. My tongue is on fire from just saying it.

4. I found Laura crying about something that I don't really remember, so we went back to her apartment and grabbed her stuff. Then she started to live with me.

5. I am always hungry!

6.Meaning I eat a lot.

7. I can no longer fit in my super skinny jeans.

8. After I found out, I ate more.

9. I gained 5 pounds!

10. I am now regretting everything I have ever done.

10 things.

Over this past week I have done ten things that make me want to throw myself down a flight of stairs. I want out. I'm tired of being pregnant.



It was amazing how much a school could change in the matter of a month. Or maybe it was just me who had changed. I mean, everything I do know is making sure this kid is not thrown up, or not killed by a virus I got from touching the seats on the subway.

But something did look different about this school. Or maybe it's the students. I mean, everyone seemed to be looking at me, some with sympathy, and some with disgust. I walked down to the office and was faced with the secretary from hell.

I swear she has wants to get rid of me.

One time she gave me a detention because I came to the office and complained about there not being any toilet paper in the girls bathroom. Second floor never has any toilet paper. And the one time it did, someone laced to with some type of drug. Made every girl in the school who used that bathroom not able to see straight. And we all had slurs to our voices like we were drunk.

"I'm here to talk to Mr. Vic." I told the secretary. I could see the mustache she always seemed to have. And she had a whole bunch of wrinkles, probably from the shrooms she took in the 70's. She looked up at me and smiled an evil grin, "I didn't know you were ever coming back." She laughed. I swear her laugh is the sound effect in movies where the killer laughs at the dead victims.

"He's in there. He has been expecting you." she smirked. Then went back to looking at papers, licking her finger to get the next page. I don't think your tongue is suppose to be all white.

I adjusted my backpack and started to walk towards his office. Scared about what he wanted to see me about. I knocked three times and waited for his permission to come in. A shuffling of papers came from the other side of the door, and a faint sigh.

"Come in!" Mr. Vic yelled.

I looked down at the golden doorknob. Not wanting to touch it. I felt like I was going to be sick again. I pushed the nausea down and reached for the doorknob. Then turned it. Slowly exposing the office of Mr. Vic.

"You wanted to see me?"



Hey you guys! Sorry this is short.

I just wanted to say that this story has over 500 views! This is crazy amazing and I love every single last one of you.

As some of you guys know,I have a second account. Dedicated to fan fictions. And that account is called zoeylynn. Go over there and read you some fan fiction. It's good for the soul.

Well I just wanted to say thank you, and this couldn't have been done without you.

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Or don't I really don't care.



Like really love you guys at the moment. But don't expect this all the time.

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