Finding You

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Here is the re-write you all asked for!! Hope you like this remake, and hopefully it makes more sense than the last version. Future chapters will include spanking of a minor/young adult. Don't like? Don't read.

Gibbs set his umpteenth cup of coffee down on his desk and reclined very relaxed in his chair with a contented sigh. His team had not had a case in a few days, so they were winding down with some cold cases and unfinished case reports. They all needed the break, as the previous case had involved a suspect who targeted children, and it took a lot out of them, especially Gibbs. It was nice to finally have a peaceful day at work, and the silence, save for the normal bustle of the bullpen, calmed all four of the team members.

The calm environment of NCIS contrasted with one that was not too far away...

The sound of a backpack hitting the ground with a thud and the front door slamming echoed throughout the house. Lexi slipped her feet out of her worn high tops and scrunched her eyebrows together as she took in the odd silence.

"Mom?" She called out questioningly.

Venturing further into the house, Lexi found that her kitchen and living room were still untouched since that morning. Spying an interesting piece of paper on the dining table, Lexi moved closer to get a look.

Written in pen in her mother's handwriting was a message that simply read:

'Gone to run some errands, don't wait up. Find your own dinner tonight.'

"Love, Mom," Lexi grumbled sarcastically. "At least she was decent enough to write a note this time."

Crumpling the paper and haphazardly tossing it into the trash, Lexi was about to search the fridge for an afternoon snack when a sharp rapping at the front door stopped her in her tracks. Lexi hesitantly shuffled to the front door, her hand on the knob.

"Who is it?" Lexi demanded, looking through the peephole. Her heart skipped a beat as she found a policeman and a lady dressed in business attire standing at the other side of the door.

"Hi, Alexia, can we speak with you for a moment?" the cop asked kindly.

"Am I in trouble?" Lexi replied cautiously.

"Not at all, sweetie. We just want to talk with you," the lady next to him piped up.

Lexi looked back in the direction of her kitchen. "Um, well, my mom isn't here. But, she'll be back soon, so I think you should come back later."

Lexi missed the look that the two adults shared with each other from behind the door. "No, honey, I'm sure she won't mind if we talk to you now. You aren't in trouble, but we have something to talk about. It's very important."

Lexi placed her hand over the lock and hesitated. She knew that she wasn't supposed to talk to strangers, much less open the door for them. Staying home alone so often taught her that she was not to open the front door for anyone except her mother. But there was a policeman with the lady, so that was okay, right?

Lexi sighed before unlocking the front door to reveal the two adults on her front porch. "My mom will be back any minute, I'm sure of it," Lexi told them carefully.

"It's alright, we just need to talk to you. It was very smart of you to check who was at the door before opening it," the policeman praised.

", come in," Lexi replied uneasily, opening the door wider to let them in.

The adults entered the house and followed Lexi into the kitchen. "Sit down, sweetie," the lady instructed, and Lexi obeyed.

"Have you eaten yet?" she asked. Lexi shook her head.

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