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Just wanna thank you all for your patience. It's been really chaotic lately, but I'm here now with another super long chapter! Here it is, hope you love it!

**Disclaimer**: Will contain swearing and the brief spanking of a minor in this chapter. Don't like? Turn back now or read at your own discretion.

Dialogue in bold is ASL (American Sign Language).

-Ally :)

Lexi had started her new school just shy of a week after moving into Gibbs' house. Gibbs had taken the week off to help with the transition and to take care of the school paperwork. Jenny had been a huge help to the both of them, taking Lexi shopping for new school clothes and supplies, and making it a point to come over almost every night to prepare a healthy dinner that wasn't "for a cowboy".

The relaxed, peaceful environment made after Gibbs and Lexi's first heart-to-heart came to an abrupt end, however. Lexi was often moody, distant and snappy. Gibbs gave her many warnings, and Lexi straightened up after, but her sullen attitude resurfaced each time. Gibbs tried to patiently coax the girl into telling him what was wrong, but received no answer or a sharp "nothing" in response.

Jenny noticed the lack of chatter from the preteen, and how distant she became during dinner and after. Usually, after dinner, Lexi and Jenny would play cards or the three of them would watch a movie together. But Lexi just silently picked at her food before retreating back to her room without a word.

The second school week was finally over for Lexi, and she hurriedly power-walked outside of the school building to the car loop. Spotting Gibbs' black Dodge, Lexi winced slightly as she made her way there. She knew that she had to put on a smile so Gibbs didn't notice her negative mood and ask her questions.

Gibbs could tell that something was the matter, not just from her tense body language, but also the way she put on a face when she noticed his car. "How was school, kiddo?"


"What'd you learn?"

"The same thing I learned at my last school."

"Anything interesting?"

"Not really."

Gibbs sighed and gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter, his patience slipping ever so slightly. There was something wrong, but Gibbs could not get through to Lexi this time. He wondered what happened to the sweet, funny girl that he got to know in the diner. He was definitely not used to a moody teenager at all. Maybe Jenny would know how to get through to her. It was probably a girl thing, Gibbs supposed.

"Where are we going?" Lexi piped up suddenly, seeing that Gibbs was not driving towards their neighborhood.

Gibbs stayed silent, continuing to drive towards NCIS. Hearing the girl huff in frustration at no answer, Gibbs smirked slightly and turned into the naval base.

"Where are we?" Lexi asked, unbuckling her seatbelt and grabbing her backpack.

Again, Gibbs didn't speak, and instead got out of the car and began walking towards the NCIS building. Lexi angrily groaned and ran to keep up. "Oh, now you decide to be quiet?" Lexi demanded. "Real mature, Gibbs."

"Nah, what's immature is your attitude the past week," Gibbs retorted, turning to the young girl firmly. "I don't know what has caused this disrespect, but there are many other ways of expressing yourself. Being snappy and ignoring an adult is unacceptable."

"What about calling you a bastard?" Lexi remarked smugly.

"That's strike 1," Gibbs snapped.

"I'm just expressing myself," Lexi shrugged indifferently.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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