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Today marks 1 month of me and Skylar' s breakup. I think I've been getting better. But now the guys think I'm over working myself. I'm finally getting better and doing something right and they try to make it seem like I'm still terrible. Fuck No!

I'm still perfectly fine. In fact I'm great. I've been going down to the river every day this week. Just, thinking. As usual. I know. I really should stop. I hate always thinking. And it's constantly about her. Skylar.

"That's all today Luke. You have a few days off. You've worked hard and got 3 days of work done. Enjoy you days off" Gary smiled. I stood up, glaring. "No. I want to keep working. I'll clean the studio if I have to. I just want to work" "Luke, we've over worked you already. If we push you anymore, you could ruin your voice. The tour is in 2 weeks. Enjoy it while you can" he laughed. I scoffed walking out of the building, past all our fans, and straight to our house.

"Hey mate" Michael waved. I rolled my eyes. Storming to the kitchen, wanting a beer. But I heard Ashton talking to someone. I stopped and listened in.

"Honestly I think he's getting worse. But he seems better. He hasn't drank a drop in 4 days. And he cleaned up his room. He's working on it, but he might actually be moving on" I scoffed.

"Yeah," he gasped. "You can not let Luke find out. He could completely change. No, I don't give a damn. Tour is starting very soon. He could be over her before it starts. We want him at his best" he sounded mad.

"I don't care. And did she tell you?" he laughed. "You read her journal"

"Well Luke should be back any minute Sam. I have to go. Just keep it to yourself. Thanks for telling me" Ashton liked Sam a little bit. She was a nice girl but I preferred someone else, Skylar.

"Bye,"  I walked in Ashton' s eyes widened.

"Luke, I have to let you go now Sam." He hung up the phone, smiling up at me. "Hey" "What about Skylar?" I asked. "Oh, nothing. Nothing is going on with Skylar that involves you. And it's a different Skylar. Instead of the y it an I" he double lied. "Don't bull shit me. It involves me. You said my name I heard. Unless it's a Luke with a y not an e" I mocked.

"Actually it is. Weird spelling these days eh?" he looked down at the ground, avoiding eye contact with me. "It's none of your business. Just leave it" he walked passed me, leaving the house entirely.

I skipped on the beer grabbing water instead. Going to my room, checking on Twitter. To be more specific, Skylar.

@SkylarHeart: I have the strangest dreams!

@SkylarHeart: The amount of hate that last tweet got is astonishing.

@SkylarHeart: Its not about anything inappropriate, just a dream..

I sighed, thinking if she was talking about me. or that guy. Or maybe it was just a quote, but that doesn't really sound much like a quote. What does that guy do that makes her so happy? And what was Ashton talking about. He was doing that thing where he lies 2 times. And then completely said both Skylars and my name. So we were clearly the topic of the conversation. And she stole her journal? Skylar had a journal? Are him and that guy arguing. Does she not like him? How'd they meet. How'd she move on so fast.

I got a headache and stopped thinking. I sat on the couch watching t.v. For a few hours actually. Ashton came back, I looked over to him. He quickly hid something in his jacket. "Hey Ash" I was a bit suspicious.

"Hey Luke" he tapped his foot. "What you got there" I pointed towards his jacket. He laughed "Nothing. Nice chat, but I have a date with Sam in 20 so if you don't mind" he walked up the stairs. I decided to follow, knowing this involved me, and I wanted to know what he was hiding. Plus he was going on a date with Sam. So that's good.

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