Chapter Thirty-Six

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She say up gasping from her sleep as she held her stomach. She got up and pulled her stretchy maternity jeans and her blue shirt over her black tank top. She pulled her combat boots on too and held her stomach as she went to the mess and got a coffee with pancakes and strawberries.

She ate the strawberries one by one and drank her coffee slowly as she watched others around her come and go. Walter stopped by to chat and so did Siler.  She was left alone for a while until Sam and Daniel joined her.

She felt like a shadow on the base, so she asked Landry if she could have the day off to get out to see if she could find something to do.

"Rebekah, what's brought this on all of a sudden?" He sat with her as he asked.

"I feel like a big shadow." She said as she gestured to her growing baby still.

"Rebekah, you can have the next couple days off. You've been under a lot of stress to. We all want a healthy baby right?" He said and went to do the paper work for her.

She went for a girl's day and got her hair done, her nails painted and a massage. She rubbed her stomach as she walked back to the car. She got in and groaned when she seen Woolsey.

"Driver, take us to the nearest McDonald's and order every thing off the menu. I'm craving a bit of all of it." She told him and then turned to Woolsey.

"What do I owe the pleasure, Mr Woolsey?" She propped her feet up and rubbed her stomach.

"The IOA wishes that you and Colonel Jackson were to simply disappear for a while." He told her.

"No. Not until after my babies born and my children are with us." She said and told the driver to let him out at the next available spot.

"My answer will ways be no to the IOA." She said to him.formly and kicked him out.

Back at the SGC, she was sitting down when she felt contractions. She went to get up but she couldn't stand.  "Help!" She cried out from the floor of her lab.

"Rebekah Marshal!" Teal'c happen to be on his way to get her when he seen her in pain on the floor and he picked her up and took her to the infirmary.

"I found her like that, will her child be okay?" He asked Doctor Lam.

"Right now Teal'c, I have no idea." Said Doctor Lam.  "Where's  Andrew?" She asked.

"He's off world with Colonel Carter setting up the phase converter for the village that was visited." Teal'c said and stepped out of the way.

"Teal'c she fell at an angle. I have to operate to get the baby out. Would you go inform General Landry I'm going to be doing an emergency cesareansection on Doctor Marshall?" Carolyn said as she had her moved to an isolation room that was sterile and scrubbed after she was prepped.

Teal'c knocked on General Landry's door and told him of the situation. "Rebekah Marshall fell at an angle that Doctor Lam said she has to do an emergency cesareansecton to remove the baby safely. Shall we tell Colonel Jackson?"

"No, not until she and the baby pull through. He doesn't need to worry about that possibility it might not happen. They've got a lot riding on this phase converter." He responded and dismissed Teal'c. "Keep me in formed on the progress of Doctor Marshall and the baby."

"Indeed, General Landry." Teal'c responded and walked to the observation lounge above the isolation room and watched the procedure. 

"Unscheduled Off world Activation!" Walters voice came over the PA system.

Carolyn was able to save Doctor Marshall and the baby twins. "Teal'c, it's twins. One boy and one girl." She smiled through her mask and had them cleaned up before she sewed Rebekah back together.

"I will go tell General Landry and he can relay it to Andrew." Teal'c said as he got up. He walked to General Landry in the control room and informed him that it was twins and they all three were okay.

"Thank you Teal'c. You and Colonel Mitchell can go sit with them until Colonels Carter and Jackson get back." Landry said and then told Andrew he was a father to twins.

"Son, do you have any names picked out for them?" He asked. "If not you can both name them when you get back." He laughed. "SGC out until you're scheduled home."

She smiled as she held them both as they both ate. "Fourteen years, three pregnancies and four kids later." She laughed. "I wonder how my boobs will look after these two are done with breastfeeding." She laughed as she talked with Carolyn.

"Thank you, for saving my life Doctor Lam." She said. "That's what friends are for." Carolyn responded. "Do you have names?" She asked out of curiosity.  "No we don't. We'll have to think about that."

She was all smiles when Cameron and Teal'c came to see her after she done feeding them. "Won't be hard to tell them apart. Ones in pink ones in blue." She laughed.

When Andy got back he held them all and smiled. "They have your eyes and nose, thank god." He laughed and kissed her after he put them down again.

"Carolyn Samantha Jackson and Cameron Teal'c Jackson." He told the nurse their names and smiled. "After all the important people in our lives."

"Daniel can be named after next." She laughed.

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