Chapter Thirty-Seven

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It was the first time they were alone since the twins were born and they were working on his designated flyer. She turned to him a little a smiled.

"Did you wash your hair with something different?" He asked as he pulled her closer.

"I switched shampoos months ago. How are you just noticing?" She responded as she looked at him.  "Do you like it?" She moved and kissed him facing him better. 

He held her closer to him. "Mm I love the new scent better than the old one." He kissed her back and then helped her out of the flyer.

She pulled her vest down and smirked as he watched her ass walking away from him. Her smirk turned to a smile when she seen Cameron and hugged him.

"Glad your on your feet princess, we've missed you out there in the field." He said as he spun the two of them around. "Yo, Andy wanna go grab some some pizza and a couple movies with Teal'c? Gonna show him the Spider-Man movies now." Cam said as he yelled it across the floor to him.

"Sure I'll join you. Pizza's pizza." Andy said and got down form the flyer. He gave Cam a bro-hug and laughed. "Besides grown up time doesn't happen often with four kids. It took Rebekah six weeks to translate something that should have taken two hours." He said as he wrapped his arm protectively around his wife.  He had a feeling Cam was always trying to get with her.

It often led to arguing about how she was so comfortable sharing his and Cam's personal space. It just didn't bother her to lay sprawled across them. She grew up with brothers.  It's how she did stuff.

She jumped on Cam's back and chatted in his ear about something they both started laughing about.  She was laughing so hard she couldn't breathe.  Cam was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe either as they made it to the movie room.

She put the movie in and settled into her usual spot of being sprawled out across Cam, Andy and T. Daniel was cuddled with a book and Sam and Vala were somewhere else. Shopping she supposed.

Teal'c seemed to be the only one unaffected by her being sprawled out across the three of them on the couch. She was however back to being her skinny yet curvy figure self and not nine months pregnant.  Though her boobs still seemed to bigger than they were before.

Her clothes barely fit because of her boobs.  Cam caught himself staring at her boobs again, her torso and her fidgeting was giving him a semi boner along with the movie actress.

Andy wasn't paying attention to the movie at all, he had a full on boner because his wife was wiggling her ass as she laid across two of his best friends.

Teal'c was braiding her hair for her as he watched the movie. He didn't need practice or to watch as he braided it so she wasn't so hot. He found braiding her hair relaxing, almost as relaxing as kel no reem.  Soothing in a way, plus she was always finding new ideas for him to try.

She laughed when Tealc signed the other two had boners.

It was a few days later when she was getting back from a mission that she sighed when Andy got mad at her again.

"Tell me the truth Rebekah! Are you sleeping with Cam or not!?" He yelled at her.

"I am not sleeping with Cameron, you fool!" She yelled back. "My husband is paranoid I'll sleep with my best friend. Great just great." She grabbed her gear and stormed off the gate room.

"Walter, Dial Chulak for me. I'm going to see Bra'Tac for a few days. I've got more tretonin for him and others." She said as she held up a thumbs up for General Landry and Walter.

Cam joined her in the gate room. Teal'c fell in line.  Once they were on Chulak, Rebekah gave Teal'c the casing of tretonin and watched him head off to the village. She sat down on the side of the gate she took her gear and jacket off and held her face.

"Cam, I'm a fool. Andrew thinks sleeping with you." She rubbed her head sighing. "He's become so paranoid since I gave birth to the twins." She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her forehead against them.

"Why won't he accept that what you tell him is the truth?" Cam sat beside her and pulled her into his arms.

"I don't know." She said and rubbed her forehead.

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