Chapter One

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(Third Person) Pov

EARTH. But this is not the earth you know. This Earth is no longer lush, green and full of forests and creatures not yet discovered. Its oceans no longer dance with fish of all shapes and sizes. This is an Earth in the not-so-distant future, where cities of grey have expanded to the horizon and way up high in the sky. Every street is a Times Square display of flashing lights and advertisements viewed by rushing people wearing masks to filter the polluted air. This is a different Earth. One nobody would want to stay on for long. One of those people goes by the name (Y/N) Hilton a scientist that has been in training for two years, eight months and seventeen days for when she gets over to the beautiful and extraordinary planet called Pandora where she will take part in the avatar program, as an avatar driver.

(Y/N) Pov

"Good morning, Sunshine!" I heard snapping my eyes open to see Matt and what feels like a dream begins with a headache and then realization hit me. I had just woken up from Cryo on a ship travelling through space "Are we there yet" I ask, as Matt checked my pules and examined my eyes. "We're there sunshine, we're there" he replies, patting my shoulder and quickly floating off to check other passengers. I can't believe the ship had arrived. It felt like a long night's sleep, not six years. Venture star has finally arrived at Pandora, a moon of a near gas planet called Polyphemus. Pandora was the only known planet other than Earth, to be populated by a humanoid race. I unhook myself from the machinery and float up to my locker in the non-gravity conditions of the shuttle. "You've been in Cryo for five years, nine months and twenty-two days. You will be hungry. You will be weak. If you feel nausea, please use the sacks available. The staff thank you in advance..." one of the RDA staff hollers but I didn't take much notice because I was thinking about the week before I was shipped out.


I had been at my uncle Norms when I had gotten the call. I was in the middle of watching a documentary on the Pandoran animal species with Norm and my brother Ronan.(Italics=Derick the manager of the Avatar training program) (Bold=Is you)

'Hello Derick, how are you?'

'I am good Miss Hilton, how are you'

'I am good as well, how can I help you'

'That's good, I was just ringing to inform you that all our current ATP participants will be heading to Pandora next week'

'Oh my, that's amazing news'

'Of course, I'm assuming the boys are with you?'

'Yes they are, so I'll tell them right away'

'Alright have a good day and goodbye Miss Hilton' 

'You too'

{End of call}

The brightest smile graced my face as I turned towards Norm and Ronan "Who was that?" Norm questions tilting his head "That was the manager of the ATP saying we will be heading off to Pandora next week" I give a little victory dance. We spent the rest of the afternoon partying over the fact that we get to go and do something great.

(End of flashback)

The other passengers and I are now on the Valkyrie Shuttle. The Valkyrie is nearly twenty times smaller than the ISV Venture Star. So, unlike the Venture star, it can land on the upcoming planet. The plane-like shuttle skyrockets through the Pandoran atmosphere, bombing through dense cloud, skimming over the thick green forest below. The day is dismal and volatile. Valkyries roars louder than thunder as it flies over a vast, manmade cavity in the ground. Machinery mined at the earth of this alien planet, screeching in the delight of its destruction. The aircraft carelessly passes on by. A fort of concrete raises from the horizon, Hell's Gate.

(Third Person) Pov

It appeared anomalous within the soaring trees around. Buildings rose tall from the ground and armed soldiers scurried about, like ants, patrolling within the perimeter. Guard towers scattered Hell's Gates's boundary fence, soldiers inside scouring the edge of the forest for threat. Beyond the border, slash-cutters razed the nearing jungle, hindering the plants from swarming over the establishment. (Y/N) sat between Ronan and Norm, looking around aimlessly. There is no window on the ship so everyone is eager to step into and take a first glance of the new world. Suddenly the Verture Crew Chief jumps up on his feet blaring orders "Exopacks on, let's go! Exopacks on! Remember you lose that mask you'll be unconscious in twenty seconds and dead in four minutes! Let nobody be dead today! That would be very bad on my report!" she nods along with everyone else and put on her exopack, readying herself for landing. Escorted by two smaller Scorpion ships, fast helicopter machines with two rotors on either side of the body, the Valkyrie briefly hovered before touching down on the monotonous ground of Hell's Gate. After a few fleeting seconds of silence, the chief launched into barking orders again "Harnesses off! Get your packs! Let's go! Let's go!".

(Y/N) Pov

I see everyone else start to unbuckle their harnesses and grabbing the packs as soon as the chief as finished giving the orders, standing into straight lines on each side of the crates. Most of us tried to look past everyone's heads to try and see everything outside once the sealed ramp was to go down. Soon the chief started giving out more stressed instructions "When that ramp comes down, go directly into the base. Do not stop! Go straight inside, wait for my mark!" the chief tugged the exopack from the top of his head, onto his face. There was a hiss and gradually the ramp unsealed and descended, hissing like a noxious viper. My brother and I looked impatiently through the expanding gap. The ramp finally came to a standstill and the chief ushered the soldiers out than us scientist and avatar drivers. The light seemed alien after so many years caught in a dreamless dark. As I was on my way out with everyone else, I turned when I heard the chief bark at someone "Come on, special case! Do not make me wait for you" it was then I saw a man in a wheelchair wheel himself down the ramp. Stopping to wait for him because my brother and uncle had already entered the building "This planet it's as different as the one we had left behind, don't you think?" in response, I heard a deep chuckle. An AMP suit passed us. The man in the wheelchair had to swerve out of the way and I jumped a bit in an effort to avoid getting tramped on because it showed no means to stop. We carried on when we heard behind us, "Look out hot rod!" it had come from the AMP suit. Inside was the man who had spoken "Back on earth the present RDA soldiers were Army dogs, marines fighting for freedom but on Pandora they were just hired guns, working for the company and guzzling on the money" I jump a bit from him suddenly speaking "Wow, greed must be the key thing in their life. If they don't have money then they're nothing" I say astounded, looking towards him just in time to see him brake as a large vehicle trolled past us. It was humongous. We waited for the machine to pass but as it passed by, I noticed an array of arrows protruding from the wheels. The feathers threading the tips were vividly coloured and very beautiful "Even beautiful things can be dangerous. Guess there's more to this place than meets the eye".

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