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Fuck!" you cursed once you read the new message displayed on your phone. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

"What's up?" Natasha asked from her position on the couch your outburst capturing her attention. It had become normal to have her slouching in your apartment especially after a long day at work. You had actually met her at work and after getting past her whole 'intimidating act' you'd become great friends. You bonded quickly over trash-talking your insufferable co-workers.

"My sister's visiting." Natasha raised an eyebrow knowing that wasn't why you were freaking out. "And... I might have told her I have a boyfriend."

Shit. You hadn't planned for her to come visit you and figure out you had been lying to her, all you wanted was for her to get off your case and stop trying to set you up with new people. This had all backfired.

"I don't know what to do!" You flopped down on the couch next to Natasha staring at the phone screen desperately trying to think of any reason she couldn't come visit you.

"Why don't you just get a fake boyfriend? I mean, she's only visiting for, how long, a weekend? She won't figure out you've been lying and you get to pretend you actually have a love life," she smirked.

"Hey!" You threw the nearest pillow at her that she easily grabbed. "I can't do that. Besides where would I even find a 'fake boyfriend', huh?"

"You could just ask Steve. I'm sure he's willing to do it."

You widened your eyes at her, "Are you crazy?"

"Oh, come on! You've been giving each other googly eyes for the better part of your friendship, it's time you do something about it," she raised an eyebrow at you knowing she was right.

You gave it some thought before ultimately giving in, "I'll do it, but-" you ignored her cheer, "-only because I have no other choice."

"You could tell your sister the truth," she shrugged.

"You know I can't do that."

"Or maybe you just don't want to," she said laughing when you threw yet another pillow at her instead of reflecting over her words that perhaps held more truth to them than you wanted to admit.

"Just call him up," she said before turning her attention back to the screen. You took your phone scrolling through your contacts as you made your way into the kitchen, hoping to get some sort of privacy before deathly humiliating yourself to your crush.

Steve was sweet and you had fallen for him easily, his personality capturing your attention and withholding it. It also didn't help that he had a banging body but that was something you kept to yourself. Well, you kept everything to yourself not wanting anyone else to find out about it, this was your little secret. Although you had been flirting with him in the hopes of him noticing you and your advances, you still weren't sure if he only saw it as friendly banter and you as a friend. The casual touching between you had spurred you but your confidence and courage only went as far and you were left wondering what he truly felt about you. Which was fine, you had no desire to know if he actually only saw you as a friend, that would hurt too much. Simply edging the lines of friendship was good, for now.

"Do you need help pressing the call button?" You could practically see the smirk on her lips as she yelled from the living room.

"Fuck off!" You could hear her laugh but ignored it as your heartbeat quickened as you finally pressed the button. You were actually doing it.

The phone rang for a few seconds before the voice you had come to like far too much answered. "Y/N, hey." He sounded out of breath.

"Hi Steve, is this a bad time?" This was a bad idea. Why were you even doing this?

Fakers - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now