'Arry, Bert and the Steelworks

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"This is the hottest place in town...

The Experimental Engines work on the Mainland at the Steelworks. The engines consist of five friends. Frankie, Hurricane, Merlin, Lexi and Theo. They work hard together and although when they first met, they had to fight one another to help Thomas and James, they have all become friends and are Really Useful together. 

But sometimes there are accidents at such a dangerous working area, and then the engines are left with extra work that they simply cannot keep up with alone. 

One day, Hurricane and Theo were being repaired. Theo's flywheel had broken, stopping him from running, and Hurricane's wheels had jammed. They had never been perfect again since his front wheels had to be replaced when they were melted down. 

Frankie was worried. 

"Lexi and Merlin are taking trucks to the goods yard. I need help!" she groaned. 

So the Steelworks manager called for help. The Fat Controller, after hearing Thomas and James' story, had agreed to offer help from one of his engines whenever it was needed to the Steelworks on the Mainland. 

He soon got the call. 

"I see....two engines? I'm sure that can be arranged." he said, writing notes down. 

After that, he stepped out and spoke to Thomas and James. 

(Philip, Salty and Sidney are seen passing through the station. One of Dowager Hatt's Friends can be seen on the platform.)

"I need two engines to go to the Mainland and help Frankie and the other engines at the Steelworks for a couple of days while Theo and Hurricane are having repairs." he said. 

"I'm on my branchline, sir." said Thomas. 

"And I...er...have things to do too, sir. Goodbye!" James sped off. 

Thomas chuckled. "He's still worried they'll try and keep him there, sir." he explained. 

"Yes...but who can I ask to-?" 

Diesel suddenly sped into Knapford, followed by 'Arry and Bert. 

"You'll never bump my buffers!" laughed Diesel. 

"'Arry, Bert! Stop!" called the Fat Controller. 

The two diesel twins stopped. 

"Uh, we weren't doing nothing, sir." said 'Arry quickly. 

"Just looking for some scrap trucks, sir." added Bert innocently. 

"Yeees, I can see that." frowned the Fat Controller. "But that's not what I called you for. I have a special job for you two. You are to go to the Mainland and work with Frankie. She needs help at the Steelworks." 

'Arry and Bert were surprised. They had never been given a 'special' before. 

"Yes, sir." said 'Arry excitedly. 

"You can count on us!" added Bert keenly. 

"Off you go then." said the Fat Controller. "And don't cause any confusion and delay!" 

The two diesels set off. 

"Where are you two going?" asked Percy. 

"We're doing a special job on the Mainland!" chanted the diesels happily. 

Percy was surprised. 

Later, 'Arry and Bert arrived. Frankie was waiting for them at the entrance. 

"You must be the two engines sent from Sodor to help out here!" she said cheerfully. 

"Yeah." said 'Arry. 

"It's a special job." added Bert. 

Frankie led them inside the Steelworks. 

"It certainly is special to work in the hottest place in town!" she declared, before she burst into song. 

(Frankie sings 'The Hottest Place in Town', but when Hurricane and Theo begin to join in at the chorus, the song is interrupted.) 

"Woah, woah!" said 'Arry, stopping. "What engines are YOU supposed to be?" 

"Hahaha! Yeah!" laughed Bert. "A quivering traction engine and a sausage shaped tank engine!" 

That made Hurricane and Theo cross. 

"We're unique steam engines!" said Hurricane indignantly. 

"W-w-we may look different, but we're R-really Useful!" added Theo nervously. 'Arry and Bert looked very rough and tough. 

"You don't look useful in the repair works." teased 'Arry. 

"Why else would us two revolutionary diesels be working here instead of you?" asked Bert. "It's a good job that Frankie here has two modern engines to help out now!" 

The two diesels began to work shunting ladle trucks up the sidings to be loaded with the molten slag. 

Frankie didn't feel like singing in welcome anymore, and Hurricane and Theo were both very cross. 

Later that day, Frankie saw that 'Arry and Bert were teasing the returning Merlin and Lexi. 

"Invisible engine?" laughed 'Arry. "More delusional engine!" 

"And you look weirder than that traction rail engine!" said Bert to Lexi. "You're all backwards!" 

Lexi and Merlin were not happy. 

"F-first Frankie tried to keep Thomas trapped here and now we have two mean and rude diesels w-who do not even finish their j-jobs properly!" moaned Theo. 

He was right. 

Frankie gasped when she saw that 'Arry and Bert had left trucks lying around everywhere. Some of them were still full of molten slag. 

'Arry and Bert reversed over to Theo. 

"Trying to say we're not useful, are ya?" sneered 'Arry. 

"You're good for nothing but scrap, Mr Stutter Steam!" snarled Bert. 


Frankie was furious. 

"I'll have you two know that Theo is Really Useful and without him, Hurricane, Lexi and Merlin, I would never be able to handle the work here alone! They are all helpful, kind and very good friends! And that's something you two clearly are not! You may be revolutionary and modern, but you are not very useful, kind or friendly!" 

'Arry and Bert were surprised at this diesel's outburst. They suddenly felt ashamed. 

The next morning, Frankie woke up, moaning. 

"I bet there's more work than usual today." she said. 

But when she came into the Steelworks, she was very surprised to find that 'Arry and Bert were already working. They, Lexi and Merlin were working well together. 

"Everything's running like...clockwork!" gasped Frankie. 

"Better!" called Hurricane. "With 'Arry and Bert pulling their weight since dawn, everything's ahead of time!" 

Frankie was delighted. 

The next day, Hurricane and Theo were repaired and the two diesels were ready to go back to Sodor. 

"Um, we're sorry we were rude." said 'Arry. 

"I hope we can be...friends." added Bert. 

"Of course." said Frankie. "Thank you for your help, eventually." 

'Arry and Bert smiled. "Thank you for making sure we did our special job right in the end!" 

The two diesels went home, happy to have completed their special and for making new friends along the way. 

(The End!) 

Thomas and Friends Fanfiction Series 5Where stories live. Discover now