Untitled Part 18

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  They were on their way to King's Landing in the ship and Ygritte had to say that she was looking forward to it. She had never been to a city before and Jon said that there was about as many people living in that one are as their was living in the entire North. The free woman couldn't honestly comprehend so many people in such a small space and so she was more than slightly curious to go and see how it all worked.

  While Jon was in bed they had talked about the trip, the King in the North had never been either. They also talked about Winterfell. Ygritte was keen to return because she liked the castle and the cold, she missed the snow when they were staying on Dragonstone and she knew King's Landing wouldn't have snow either. Jon however wanted to go back to see his siblings. Ygritte knew that he had been itching to return ever since he got the letter telling him that Bran and Arya were alive, in fact it had become a deep ache in his chest. She knew this because she could feel it, she could also feel him trying to block it from her but it was so insistent that he often failed to do so.

  Jon had taken a few days to get fully better and in that time Ygritte decided to let the whole cell thing slip. It was so by the time he was well again and easily moving about through the ship Ygritte know he thought it was forgotten about. He was wrong.

  In that moment they were in their cabin. The room was lit by candles which gave Jon's skin a golden glow as she pulled his tunic over his head. Her husband's hair was ruffed where she had run her hands through it and his lips were swollen from kissing. Ygritte knew she was lucky, her soulmate was both beautiful on the inside and out. Now though... now he just needed to learn that he couldn't simply lock her up.

  She was kissing down his neck, running a tongue over a stubbled jaw and thoroughly enjoying herself because he really was gorgeous. He was enjoying himself to it appeared, she felt his arousal both through their bond and also physically pressed against her leg. It made her smile as she pressed one last kiss to his collarbone before pulling back. She pulled back and saw the lust on his face, smiling she ran a hand down his cheek before she brought a knee up hard into his crotch.

  Jon cried out and she felt a flash of pain through the bond. He pulled away sharply and looked up at her with watering eyes.

  "What in Seven Hells was that for Ygritte?" he wheezed.

  "You know what that was for Jon Snow," she growled, wrapping a hand in his long hair and pulling his head back.

  "I had to lock you up to keep you and the baby safe Ygritte," Jon said, straightening up slightly while still clutching at his groin.

  "If you ever try something like that again I won't just bruise it I will cut it off," Ygritte growled before letting go, turning and marching out, slamming the door behind her.


  Ygritte decided that she didn't like King's Landing. In fact she was pretty sure she hated it. Firstly, it was way to hot. It also smelt really bad but then she supposed it made sense if you crammed the entire population of a kingdom into one small space. The people all lived on top of each other, literally. Their houses were all stacked up and the streets were crowded with people.

  The dragon place was nice though. She couldn't remember what they had called it- she hadn't been listening, but she liked it. The structure, now crumbling, was arty and interesting to look at. She could look at it for hours and not be able to spot everything it had to offer.

  She didn't however like the Lannister queen. As in at all. Cercei Lannister was an even bigger bitch than Daenerys Targaryen. Her face was twisted in what seemed to be a constant snarl, it made her look nasty and ugly even though without it she would probably be one of the most beautiful women that Ygritte had ever seen. The free woman was proud of Jon and how he handled it, she felt his calm and it was genuine. All of the nerves that he had felt before hand had disappeared.

  Ever since she had kneed him in the balls the king had been careful around her. It was rather funny considering he had been hadn't been after she had shot him full of arrows. Then again it seemed that a dick seemed to be a man's most prized possession more often than not. 

  In the end, Cercei decided to help them. Well she said that anyway but Ygritte didn't believe her. The other woman made her skin crawl.


  All in all, leaving King's Landing was a relief. They returned to their ship with the queen's supposed support and their was relief washing off of Jon.

  That night the sea was calm and the ship was steady enough that you could be forgiven for forgetting that you were anywhere but dry land. Jon was lying in bed half asleep with the furs half covering his naked torso when she entered the room. Ygritte had been standing on deck watching the waves under the moonlight and the stars in the sky. It had been really calming and the free woman had found that she really wanted to just wrap herself up in Jon.

  They had spoken to each other but not actually touched since the kneeing incident. They hadn't kissed, cuddled, had sex. They had slept on opposite sides of the bed. Now though she deemed that Jon had had enough for his lesson- it had nothing to do with the fact that she was craving his touch also.

  So when she entered the room, she stripped down and slipped under the covers, placing her body over Jon's. The man underneath her opened his eyes, he smiled up at her- genuine and happy, relieved even. She lent down and kissed him, his hands travelling over her swollen belly. That night they didn't fuck so much as made love.

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