{6} Attention: Rogue X Reader

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HAIIIII! I'M NOT DEAD :D. Yes I know I'm far behind schedule of 6 imagines this week but I'm trying to think of ideas which will hopefully come to me. So here is imagine 3 and I hope you enjoy! One again sorry for the delay


Imagine this:

Rogue feels like you spend your time with everyone else but him so when there is any opportunity, he goes for it. Even the small things such as walking you home or helping you carry your books will make his day.

He also did this in hope that one day you would return his feelings so that you both could become the ultimate couple with your cute gestures and hand holding. Little did Rogue know that you felt the same way...


I AM SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER! I hope you liked it anyways and I am going to try to get another two imagines done today (key word being 'try'). Anyways, it would mean the world to me if you guys voted on this story so plez help ya girl out here. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Til next time~


Words 181

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