(12) REQUEST! Beach Day: Rogue X Reader

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Hey guys it's Tori! I hope you are having a wonderful day. This story is dedicated to @snily_shipper67. I am really sorry that this took forever I have been swamped with homework lately even though I am on holiday which unfortunately ends in a couple of days. I hope you enjoy even if it sucks. Now let's get on with the story!


(Y/N)'s POV

Since everyone had been running around lately being occupied with missions, Sting decided it was time to take a break and spend the day at the beach. I finished packing my bag by placing my (f/c) bikini inside and walked out the door to meet Yukino who was my best friend. We made our way to the guild to meet up with everyone. I managed to get through the crowd and find Frosch and Lector who were standing by Sting and Rogue.

I blushed at the sight of him. Rogue had been my crush for months now. At first I brushed it off as just a small liking for the shadow dragon slayer but over time it became more. Not a crush but love(A/N: Does anyone else hear Sherry's voice saying that in their head? No? Just me?...). Anyways we made our way over to the pair, exchanged greetings and headed towards the beach.

~~~ 20 minutes later ~~~

As soon as we arrived to the beach, everyone began stripping down and ran towards the water leaving me and Rogue behind together, alone. My heart began beating rapidly and my breathing became slightly ragged even though my physical appearance showed my usual calm demeanor.

"H-hey." Rogue stuttered whilst staring into my eyes.

"What's up?" I asked.

'Really "What's up"?!' I thought mentally screaming at myself in my head.

"Wanna get in the water with the others?" He asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Sure, let's go! Race you there!" I said gaining back my confidence whilst stripping down into my bathing suit.

Rogue's POV

Damn I never noticed how beautiful (Y/N)'s eyes are...I know it may be sudden but I feel like I'm falling for her, hard. I ran over to her, she looked so beautiful in the water and her bathing suit was not helping me not having a nosebleed. I was pulled out of my thoughts by her splashing me.

Oh it's on.

(Y/N)'s POV

I splashed Rogue not realizing what I had gotten myself into. This was the start of a war and I was going to win. Water was pushed back and forth between us. Being a water dragon slayer had its pros and this was definitely one of them.

"Water Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Tidal Wave!" I screamed making sure not to put a lot of power into it since I didn't want to injure Rogue. The wave hit him bringing him down. By now we had traveled deeper into the water without realizing it.

It had been 30 seconds and Rogue still hadn't come out. As I began treading the water, a force pulled me down making me close my eyes. I felt a pressure on my lips and opened my eyes to see Rogues face right next to me with his perfect lips on mine.

Then it finally hit me. ROGUE WAS KISSING ME! I immediately responded. It felt like magic with all the love we had for each other poured into one kiss. Before we could continue, oxygen had to screw with us making us break apart and swim to the top for air.

"Wow..." Was all I could say after gaining back my breath.

"I love you!" Screamed Rogue with his face beet red and his eyes closed making him look adorable.

"I love you too." I said giving him Eskimo kisses on his nose. 


HELLO PEOPLE I AM NOT DEAD. I am so sorry this took forever, I was just being a lazy little butt. Plus it was my birthday yesterday XD (23rd April). I am so sorry that this is bad and short and poorly made but I'M SOWWYYY. Anyways, it would mean the world to me if you guys voted on this story so plez help ya girl out here. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Til next time~


Words 705

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