(7) Just Dance: Sting X Reader

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Hey guys it's Tori! I'm bored and felt like writing instead of actually doing my homework which is so smart -.-"I don't own FairyTail, the video or image above. If you've never played this game before or haven't heard of this song, then it's up above.

Now let's get on with the story!


(Y/N)'s POV

I was sitting at home being bored out of my mind so I decided to play Just Dance 4. I walked over to the Nintendo Wii, turned it on and placed the disk inside while also turning on the TV. As I went to select the game from the home menu, there was a knock at the door. I quickly tied my (H/C) hair in a ponytail/messy bun (A/N: You can choose) and made my way to the door. I opened it to see Sting.

"Hey Sting!" I said enthusiastically.

"Hey (Y/N)! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?" He asked hopefully.

"Sure, come in. I was just about to play Just Dance. Care to join?" I asked with a grin whilst I stepped aside to let him in.

"Why not?" He replied back smirking. I grabbed another remote and passed it to him. Our hands brushed and I swear I saw a tint of pink on Sting's face but just thought it was my imagination. I scrolled through the songs, searching for a good one.

"Hey how about this one?" I asked Sting whilst pointing to 'Livin' la Vida Loca' by Ricky Martin.

"Sure, I don't mind. I'm going to beat you either way." He replied with a cocky smirk.

"Oh is that so?" I said returning the gesture.

"You think you can beat me?" Sting asked in a challenging tone.

"Why of course." I replied still wearing a smirk.

"Well why don't we place a little bet then?" He inquired.

"I don't see why not. So what do I get when I win?" I asked.

"I'll pay your rent for a month. But what do I get when I win?" I thought about it for a few seconds before replying.

"You get to do anything you want to me for a whole week. Deal?" (A/N: NOH! Nothing naughty)

"DEAL!" Screamed Sting who seemed a bit to enthusiastic about the bet. He noticed me staring and suddenly blushed. I burst into a fit of laughter because I just couldn't process how cute and awkward Sting looked.

"H-hey can we j-just get on with t-the game?!" He exclaimed whilst his blush darkened.

"Y-yeah s-sure." I said still giggling a bit. I selected the song and got ready to dance as did Sting.

(A/N: You can play the video here)

The song started and we followed the moves getting either 'Perfect' or 'Good'. The first golden move came and I hit it perfectly putting me ahead of Sting since he missed it. The game was very close and we were only half way through.

Slightly panting, we neared the end of the song. There was one more gold move which would determine who would win. With all my strength, I carried it out only for me to trip up slightly at the last minute allowing Sting to get the move and making him win by one star. I stared at him in disbelief.

'I'm done for...' I thought as Sting turned to look at me with his cocky smirk.

"I guess I win then." He proclaimed. I sighed in defeat knowing what would be next.

"What do you want me to do first?" I deadpanned. His face turned serious as he looked at me and leaned in making me blush.

"Just don't punch me okay?" Before I could question what he meant, Sting had smashed his lips onto mine taking me by complete shock.

Sting Eucliffe, Master of Sabertooth, my CRUSH was kissing me! Once I realized what was going on, I kissed back. It was soft and gentle but also showed all the passion that we had for each other.

We parted for air after what seemed like forever but in reality was only a few seconds. We stared into each others eyes lovingly. This was all I ever dreamed of doing from the moment I joined Sabertooth with Sting 7 years ago (A/N: I think that's right?).

"I've been meaning to tell you this for a while so here it goes. (Y/N) (L/N), I'm in love with you and I have been ever since we met. So will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked me expectantly.

"Of course." I replied with a large grin. He hugged me whilst spinning around. I giggled and returned it. He slowly placed me down and pecked my lips causing my blush to return.

"What about the bet?" I asked hoping he would call it off.

"Don't think your getting out of it just because your my girlfriend." He said smirking evilly making me sweat drop -.-"

"What is it?" I questioned gulping.

"You have to spend a whole week with me no matter how annoying I am!" He asserted.

"Nuuuuu!" I said laughing.

"Am I really that bad?" He asked. I nodded my head as he pouted.

"I'm only joking." I giggled while hugging him.

"Your still going to pay for that." And with that said Sting started to tickle me mercilessly.


Hope you enjoyed that because I was meant to post it three days ago but I was busy so sorry! I have two other ideas that I'm making into one shots so I'll hopefully be posting them soon if i'm not drowning in homework ;-; Anyways, it would mean the world to me if you guys voted on this story so plez help ya girl out here. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Til next time~


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