Your crazy

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I got out the shower looking at my fressh cuts
Lukaly it was the middle of winter in England so long sleeves are a must ,I pulled my long sleeve school shirt out my draw pulling it over my now red arms
last night I got a message from one of the girls I pretended to date she was going on about how she loved me I felt so bad that I took it out on my arm again and again until there was no space left
"Topaz hury up the buss is hear"my mum yelled up to me as she did every morning.i put on my cote and fake smile walking out the house happily
The buss pulled up and when I walked on every single person went dead silent.there he was Zack the one person who was nice to me or not a complete FUCK FACE like Henry .i walked over to him hoping he wold smile as I walked past ..he smiled and then did something I didn't expect "sit with me today Topaz"he said patting the seat next to him
"Yo look Zane got a pet fag"Henry said from the back seat
"Says you Henry you don't just act like a dog you look like one to"I said sitting next to Zack
"You want another beating gem boy"Henry said in a malicious tone standing up from his seat
"N-No I-I'm sorry Henry"I said shaking as the bus drove on
"That's what I thought pretty boy"Henry said sitting down in his nseat next to his girlfriend Katelyn
"Why do you let him talk to you like that"Zane asked me
"What am I supposed to do let him beat be up instead I chose the least painful of two options"I said back clutching my sleeve.
After what seemed like forever the buss finaly arived at the shit hole school ,I ran of the bus immediately heading straight to the bathroom but before I cold A hand landed on my fragile arm before I cold tell who it was I moved my probably bleeding arm out of there grasp back handing them as I did so
I looked to see that it was Henry ...and half the god dam school where watching me slap the school bad boy
"Oh your in for it now fag"Henry yelled but before he colud do anything I disaberd in to the boys tolets .i looked the door of the stal and reached in to my poket .i slashed and cut at my arms,lags where ever I cold find space ...the pain distracted a sens of relief rushed trow my body like it was rushing out my skin ,by the time someone walked in the mejoraty if my body was bloody and cut up puicly I whipped down the blood and pulled all my clothes on walking out to my first class which my dumb ass forgot was PE and even wors ,swimming.
I stumbled down the hall towards the place we meat before we go to the swimming centre I saw a bunch of people talking until I walked up I gathered I was pail and my eyes where puffe and no one let me forget it .
I had a diving sout like costume meant for surfing but now I had to try and change infront of 30 other boys who all hated me.

Getting on the buss every one stared at me girls boys teachers .i sat down on the back seat knowing no one liked sitting there because of the plain fact that there was usually me sitting there but yet again to my surprise,Zane sat in the sat next to me
"Hi Topaz how are ya"Zane chirped
"Zane are you gonna tell me why your being so nice cuz if someone put you up to it then you can stop and if you just want to be hit upsid the head il do it for you"I responded looking him dead in his dark gray eyes
"No..I get the torment..."was all Zane cold say before a bubbly girl with dirty blond hair sat down next to him
"Oh hay Lucy" Zane said to the girl "topaz this is Lucy,this is Topaz....and before you get any ideas topaz is gay so fined someone els to crush on ......nO thAt Is NOt An InVaTasON tO cRusH On Me"Zane said in a crickey voice with in turn maid topaz and Lucy giggle
"Look what we have hear baby a fag ,a nobody and a china doll"katline said as her short skirt roud up in to her ass
"Fuck of kit Kat"Zane said in a milisos tone
All I cold do was look out the window as a tear went down my cheek
"IS THE BABY CRYING"Henry screamed at my while the teacher was not yet on the buss
I stood up out of my seat looking Henry dead in the eyes he was only about an inch or so taller then me but I still had to look up .
I pulled my arm up swinging it around hitting Henry dead in the nose
"WHAT THE FUCK"Henry screamed
The teacher walked on and to my luck Henry and his slag of a girlfriend sat down ,so I did the same.
"Your crazy you know that right"was all Zane said to me as the bus drove on.

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