We arived at the swimming centre .everyone filed of the bus heading in to the changing rooms
"Topaz hurry up"Zane yelled as he walked in to the only cubicle with a door still on it.
"Hey can I have the one with the door ..ya know not to confident"I said to Zane liyeng trow my teath
"Oh sure dude"Zane said walking out the stall
I quickly went inside ,pulling of my clothes
Apparently one of my cuts had opened up as my shirt was covered in blood.
"Shit shit shit ....shity shit muck shit"I said to my self I put on my swim suit and stuffed my shirt in my bag il deal with that later I thought to my self.
Everyone walked out to the pool there was a 'kids' pool that the lower group swam in and then the big pool that the 3 others swam in
"Topaz you look like a potato sack"Lucy said to me in a jokester way
"Your wearing a minie mouse bikene god dam it" I joked back
"Alright kids get in to pairs and get in the water"the teacher yelled
Zane walked up to me and said "houdy partner"
"Are you sure I'm the gay one cuz you sound like a bar tender at a gay bar"I joked back
"ArE yOu AsUmInG mY SexUAlItY"Zane said then jumped in to the pool creating a huge splash
"Yes because you are GaYEr TheN mE"I said back jumping in the pool next to himThe class ended and we all got out the pool or everyone but Zack and I that is
"Hay topaz"
"Yeah Zane"
"You where right"Zack said as he climbed out the pool
"about what" I said back confused
"I am gay" he said walking in to the change in room....

Red Tulips (complete)
General FictionTopaz is gay.big deal right.well try telling that to the 30 boys who torment him day to day