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Peter's pov
We were packing for a road trip for "family bonding" purposes we put our bags in the trucks of the limos the people riding with in the first limo was t'challa natasha wanda pietro and bruce
In the second one is me summer lia cameron KF tony steve and vision

(I couldnt think of the rest of the avengers name so just add them in what limo you want them in)

Summer was laying on my lap and cameron poked her


He poked her again

Summer:stop touching me

He poked her again summer didnt say anything he tried to poke her again but summer grabbed his wrist before he poked her and she punched him and he fell on the floor of the limo

Everybody was looking at her

Summer:i told him to stop touching me

Peter:ok just lay down go to sleep
She layed on top of me we were strecthed out on the seat we had our own long seats and everyone was staring at us but summer was sleep and i was on my phone

Tony:*in a low voice*they be fucking




Summer was fast asleep.only the grown ups knew were we were going Me and summer slept the whole way their

We got to the lake and summer started to wake up she sat up and saw the lake

Summer:oh no please dont tell me were

Tony interrupted her

Tony:yup were in traverse city

We got to the cabin/house we were staying at for a day and we put our swimsuits on and i pushed her in the water she cane up from under the water and a man offered to let us ride his boat and we agreed

Summer and i were playing 2k18 and she kept loosing so she threw the controller at me and git on her phone

Peter:why you mad bae

Summer:shush boy


We ate pizza and summer fell asleep with my arm around her waist she was laying on my shoulder tomorrow we are gonna go swimming

To be continued

Based off a real life trip that im currently on

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