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Hello my lovelies! Sometimes a Queen awakes and needs to see her lovelies.

Sorry, I like Vampire Academy.

Okay, so, I just wanted to take this time to tell you and as you some stuff.

Okay, so Some questions.

1. How is it so far?

2. Should I drop this?

3. Do you really like it?

4. Who's POV should I do next?

Okay, so those are all the questions I wanted to ask you. Please answer them, it's so critical for the story.

Okay, now I know a lot of you might not care, but I wanted to give you the Author's (mine 😊) background.

Okay, so I have my mom, my dad (not split up), and my brother, I have a lot of animals, I'm blonde, 13, and I have a co-owner on this account. I love; Divergent series, TFIOS, Vampire Academy, a tv series known as Grimm (NBC it's not on currently but it's a good show, fantasy.), and food.

Oh, on my divergent "aptitude test", I got Dauntless.

So whatever, that's a little about me!

Thanks for reading!

And thanks for commenting if you do!

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