Another Mistake

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Ohhh! Double update only cuz I love all you! even the buttholes! 😂❤️❤️❤️❤️

So like I said, more about the story. Here ya go!

1. Noah's name came up in my head because I had been ready the amazing book series After By Anna Todd

2. This book came up because I missed writing Our Friendship

3. Chapter 5 of this book was a random idea after spending time with my family


Song :: Don't By Ed Sheeran

Chapter 11

*Lissa's POV*

I wake up surrounded by blue curtains and the sounds of beeping and moaning. Where am I?

"How are you?" A guy asked me. He isn't dressed like a doctor, but maybe he came in as a last call?

"My head hurts. Doctor, why am I here?" I as the blonde doctor who actually very fit. He's very good looking but he probably has a girlfriend, ah who cares.

Wait, where's Jake?

"Doctor?" he asks, he sounds kind of hurt.

He moves closer over to me, making me feel uncomfortable as he try's to take my hand. "Liss I'm your boyfriend."

Liss? No one calls me that, it's Lissa not Liss.

"No your not. Your my doctor, and your freaking me out." I said as I scooted over to the other side of my bed, away from this strange man, he's creeping me out.

"Noah, Alyassa doesn't remember you, she's lost all memory of you." She says.

So this guys name is Noah? What happened with him?

"Alyassa, do you remember Noah?" The nurse asks me. I look over at the guy who has tears building up in his eyes.

I shake my head.

"Noah is your boyfriend, he says you were in love? I don't know if that's true... but he has the clothes you were in from the accident." She says as she sets clothes down at the end of my bed.

"Your free to go today, with him or whoever you would like." She says as she gives him an apologetic smile.

"So you don't know who I am?" he asks me, a single tear falling down he cheek.

"No I don't, and whatever happened between us is over now. I'm really sorry, I guess. I don't know what else to do." I say.

"Okay, whatever you want." He says as he leaves me alone.

Wow, well that was easy. I stand up and get dressed, kinda weird that my clothes are here, I didn't even know that guy... so weird.

I walk into the main lobby, and sign myself out when I see Jake.

"Jake!" I say quiet loudly, screeching it.

I run up and hug him, wrapping my legs around his torso. He's so tall, and as he breathes out a shaky breath, he hugs me back.

"I thought you wouldn't remember me." he says. "The doctors said you lost your memory, but they didn't know how much of it you lost, and I was afraid that you wouldn't know who I was." He says.

"I could never forget you." I say.

I jump down and he smiles at me. He has my favorite flowers, Red roses.

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