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11:45 PM

Sitting in the middle of the floor, I constantly glanced back and fourth at the two bodies.

Jacob laid on the couch to my right fast asleep. I had gotten him to calm down about an hour ago

And to my left.... there was chris... out cold.

I was honestly lost for actions. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't leave...

Calling the police didn't seem smart. What would they think seeing chris out cold on the floor all beaten up?

I sighed and brought my knees to my chest.

It felt like I was in between an angel and a devil...

Feeling my phone vibrate beside me, my screen lit up with constant calls from my mom.

I didn't answer any of them though, I know she's worried, but I'm fine.

A few more minutes had past.


I quickly looked over at chris, seeing his body start to flinch a bit.

I crawled over to him quickly. "Chris you have to go." I whispered.

"The fuck you mean." He groaned, slowly sitting up.

"You have to get out of here."

"Fuck.." he frowned, feeling his face. "Is my fucking eye swollen?"

I sighed. "Yes and so is your lip, but you have to handle that at home."

He looked over my shoulder seeing Jacob and instantly started to get up. "That bitch ass nig-"

"Shhh! No, come on." I said, grabbing his arm and helping him up.

"Why the hell are you on his side Crystal?" He asked.

I walked him towards the door, not answering.

Quietly opening it, we stepped outside.

"I love you Crystal...." Chris said.

I looked up at him and frowned, being caught off guard. "That's a strong word, you should be careful how you use that."

I proceeded to push him towards the yard, but he wouldn't budge.

The Boy With The ShadesWhere stories live. Discover now