Chapter 2

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//Chapter 2//

*1 month after reaching Canada

in the present *

I woke up to Brandon yelling in my ear. "Sis! Wake up, we're gonna be late for school! You don't wanna be late, do you?! Oh plus, mum made bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast!" I squirmed under my bedsheets , finally getting enough of his yelling.

Okay, he officially put me in a bad mood early in the morning. I chucked a woollen pillow in his direction , successfully hitting him in the face. Hah! "Ow! What did you do that for?!" He whined. A fifteen year old boy whining, look at that. "For bursting my eardrums." I retorted, sticking out my tongue. He gave me an unimpressed look as he strode out of my bedroom.

Brandon and I were born two years apart , which made us really close siblings. Apparently, our daily bickering amuses our parents. He's pretty tall, nearly reaching six foot and he has crystal blue eyes with dirty-blonde hair. He's on the tennis team in school, so he has a tanned, toned body.

I'm quite the opposite, however. I have wavy dark brown hair with brown eyes , a fair complexion and a lean build.  I'm not the sporty type and I would rather stay at home and watch tv than workout. My passion is photography, which is why I really appreciate good scenery. I love my camera and I bring it along whenever I go to scenic places.

I washed up and changed into a pair of dark washed skinny jeans with a grey muscle tank. I slipped on my Vans and put on some natural looking makeup. I left my hair in its original state, flowing down my back in dark brown waves. I then slipped on a few bracelets on my wrists.

Then, I practically skipped down to the breakfast table where I saw the heavenly bacon and scrambled eggs. "Morning, mum and dad!" My mood was lifted successfully by the yummy breakfast. Wow, I sure was hungry! "Morning darling, eat more so you will have the energy to focus at school." My mom smiled at me adoringly. She is a middle school science teacher who is realy dedicated to her students. She doesn't treat her job like a chore, but rather, she actually enjoys it. I have my mother's hair colour and people say I look like a splitting image of her with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. However, she's taller than me by an inch.

Dad was reading the daily newspapers and smiled at me when I came down for breakfast. My dad used to attend the same high school as I do and he was their star baseball player. He still looks a little like an athlete, tanned with brownish blonde hair that is thinning out over the years. He has light blue eyes similar to the shade of my brother's and a semi-sharp jawline. My dad told me that mom and him were high school sweethearts. My mother was the high school valedictorian. In other words, the school's student role model. She had good grades and was really well liked with the student population due to her kindness. Aw, their love story was really sweet and cute. They managed to stay in love for twenty years already!

Once I was done with breakfast, I drove to high school with my brother in tow. I dropped him off at school before driving myself to Quinston High School. As I parked in the parking lot, I ran my eyes appreciatively over the interior of my Toyota Camry. I got it just a month ago, when my family just migrated to Canada. It has beige leather seats and a steel grey exterior. Its a practical car, just right for everyday transportation.

I hopped out and saw my best friend waving to me from the school courtyard. Melissa Joy Van Aker is half dutch and she is already my best friend, even though I just migrated from New Zealand about a month ago. I went over to hey and greeted her along with my other good friends, Jake Steele and Kieran Macfoy.

"Ashley! Its not even first period and I'm tired already..." Melissa sighed. I laughed, assuring her that the three periods before lunch break will go past faster than she will imagine. Jake and Kieran greeted me with high fives. "Yo Ash-Ash, How was your weekend?" Kieran asked. "Great Kieran! I went shopping with Mel and played golf with my family. How are you?" With that, Kieran tried to cheerfully answer that he was fine but we could tell he wasn't. His voice was a little hoarse and his eyes were slightly dull, differing from the usual bright-as-the-sun Kieran. "Um, well. I have a girlfriend now ... " He trailed off. We were confused. Wasn't that great news? "...but the thing is, I found out that she is my brother's ex girlfriend and they had a bad breakup." He finished.

Jake put two and two together and said " So you're afraid your brother will object your relationship? Or that she might still have feelings for your brother? "

Kieran mumbled, "Yeah."  "Hey Kieran, its fine. Just talk to your brother about it and see how he's taking the news." Mel reassured Kieran. I saw his shoulders relax a little as he took in her words. "Yeah, I should. Thanks Mel."

The shrill ringing of the school bell pierced through the buzz of conversations at the courtyard, signalling the start of first period. We parted ways but Mel and I went together as we had the same Math class.

Mrs Hedgefield was really, really boring. She droned on and on in her monotonous voice. I made an effort to pay attention but after forty minutes, my brain switched off. My ears automatically rejected anything related to Mrs Hedgefield and her mathematical equations. I idly stared at the brown square clock, waiting for the last twenty minutes of her class to pass by.

At last , Math period ended. Mel and I parted ways as I made way to my History class. I sat down in my usual seat at the side of the class, waiting for Mr Lennings to walk in. He made a dull subject seem interesting, so he's a popular teacher. The dark grey seat in front of mine is always empty. A boy transferred out of history class just a few weeks ago and no replacement student has been found. Oh well, its alright. No one can block my view of the whiteboard then.

Mr Lennings walked in as the class managed to settle down. He did not start his lesson immediately as he usually did, which confused us. "Ah, I'm waiting for a new student to come in. Is he late? Why isn't he here yet?" A frown made its way across his features.

Within the next two seconds, the classroom door flung open, revealing a boy who looked to be as tall as Brandon. He wore a red tee with grey jeans hanging low, paired with a pair of black converses. His hair was a tousled brown mess and his eyes were a dark blue colour. He walked into the class- well, more like swaggered in. His steps were confident with a tinge of cockiness. As he walked past my seat, his scent of cologne mingled with the air around me. It was as if he sprayed on that cologne on purpose, just for his first day in a new class. I felt a little light headed. Was that his purpose? To intoxicate girls with his smell of expensive cologne? "Oh yes, here you are. Introduce yourself to your new classmates! " Mr Lennings said to Mr Playboy over there.

His eyes stared ahead, never wavering with confidence. His hands hung casually by his side and he had a really relaxed posture. His midnight blue eyes glinted with mischief and defiance. Chin was kept up and shoulders were rolled back. His red lips parted to speak.  "Hey everyone, my name is Nathan Finn Hudson and I play football. I'm from England and I just moved here."

Hey that was Chapter two! Thank you voters and people who commented. Thank you to everyone who reads this story<3 Look forward to the next update! I'll be up soon. Please vote of you liked it! I welcome comments too:)



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