The Aftermath

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When you woke again, it was in the middle of a forest. Your orange jumpsuit was now completely gone, leaving you in nothing but your boxers. As you got up, your hand grazed over a piece of paper, and you picked it up to read what it had said. You noticed the logo at the top of the letter as the SCP Foundation's symbol, and began to excitedly read what was on it. Most of it wasn't interesting, talking mostly about how you shouldn't spread this document to other people, you will be put back into D-Class work, blah blah blah. What mattered the most was at the bottom of the page, however, along with the signature from each O5 council member.

"Dear [Reader],
Due to your efforts at the foundation when it came to staying calm in the face of danger, and your overall compliance and even willingness to test, we hereby proclaim you a free man. Think yourself lucky, for we do not do this process often. We have left a small survival kit near your location, under a rock. 
Do not contact us again,
The Secure Contain Protect Foundation."

You let out a shout of triumph as you got up,  rolling the piece of paper up and throwing it into a river as you went over to the nearest rock, reaching under it to find a duffel bag filled with necessary supplies, such as food, water, and a foldable tent, along with some new clothes. As you put on the clothes, you remembered what had happened before, and decided on something.

You're going back there.

And you're gonna do it all again.

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