~ LeaderHu has logged on ~
~ Screaming pill has logged on ~
~ Hamburger is life has logged on ~
~ Takoyaki prince has logged on ~
~ GiantMaknae has logged on ~
~ Drama trash has logged on ~
~ I'm made from China has logged on ~
~ DancingKing has logged on ~
GiantMaknae: Okay, operation get mom and dad together have now begun
LeaderHu: They are still not my mom and dad
Drama trash: And you have never cross dress as a girl
LeaderHu: I told you to not bring that up
I'm made from China: I remember that. You were really cute in that dress hyung
Screaming pill: I don't know if I should feel weird of Hui dressing as a girl or of Yanan flirting with him?
DancingKing: I feel wired of both
LeaderHu: Yanan was also a girl
Drama trash: Me too, and Shinwon hyung too
Hamburger is life: You don't need to bring me into this
Drama trash: You welcome
I'm made from China: And Wooseok picked me in the end
GiantMaknae: And I don't needed to be reminded of that
Takoyaki prince: Guys back to topic
I'm made from China: Sorry ^o^
DancingKing: Should we not have some kind of plane before we start an operation?
Screaming pill: Was it wrong of me then to scream to both of them to log on?
DancingKing: E'dawn say you didn't just did that?
Screaming pill: I didn't. everything is Shinwon's fault
Hamburger is life: Don't drag me into everything!
~ Hongmom has logged on ~
GiantMaknae: okay everyone improvise!
Hongmom: Improvise? What are you guys up to now?
Drama trash: Nothing ^.^
Hongmom: You sure about that Yeo one?
Drama trash: I think he suspect something. Run will you can!!
~ Drama trash has logged off ~
GiantMaknae: Good way to make him less suspicious
DancingKing: Should we even bring him back?
GiantMaknae: Yeah I think he can be good to have if something goes wrong
DancingKing: Yanan can you go and bring Yeo one back?
I'm made from China: Okay. Hongmom, fighting!
~ I'm made from China has logged off ~
Hongmom: Fighting??
Hongmom: You are up to something
LeaderHu: Just remember Hongseok. Whatever I write today are you still not my mom
Hongmom: Yes I am, but okay
Hamburger is life: E'dawn stop screaming people's name
Screaming pill: How else will we get Jinho online?