~ Everyone has logged on ~Screaming pill: Yuto out!!!!!
Takoyaki prince: What??
- Screaming pill has kicked Takoyaki prince out from the chat ~
DancingKing: Can someone please explain why Edawn is weirder than normally
Drama trash: *Looks at Hui*
LeaderHu: ??
DancingKing: You are the only person who can explain how he thinks
LeaderHu: Me??
DancingKing: Yes you
LeaderHu: ^_~ ^_~ ^_~
~ Takoyaki prince has logged on ~
Takoyaki prince: Who kicked me out from the group?
Hamburger is life: Not saying any names *cough* Edawn *cough*
Takoyaki prince: Thank you Shinwon.
Takoyaki prince: Edawn?
Hamburger is life: Your welcome
~ Screaming pill has kicked out Takoyaki prince from the chat ~
Hongmom: Good way to go Shinwon and Edawn stop kicking Yuto out from the group
Screaming pill: No!
Hamburger is life: What have I done wrong?
Hongmom: I giving up on life. Help me Jinho
HighNoteKing: Kids stop irritating your mom
Screaming pill: No!
LeaderHu: Listen to them now Edawn
Screaming pill:.......... Okay
DancingKing: Ha, I told you that he is the only person who can talks to him
Annyeong chingudeul: We never said anything Kino
DancingKing: I know, I just like to have right
Drama trash: 🤯🤯
Hongmom: So E'dawn why are you kicking Yuto out from the group?
~ Takoyaki prince has logged on ~
Takoyaki prince: I would also love to know that
Annyeong chingudeul: Yuto?
Drama trash: How could you
Annyeong chingudeul: Know that
Drama trash: We were
Annyeong chingudeul: talking about
Drama trash: You?
Screaming pill: Now they are even texting in the same meaning. So cute!!
Takoyaki prince: Don't be to excited Hyung, I want an answer
Drama trash: First, how did you know?
Takoyaki prince: Because Wooseok showed me
Screaming pill: Wooseok kick him out from you room
GiantMaknae: Why?? He hasn't done anything wrong this time
LeaderHu: This time?
GiantMaknae: Yeah, this time.
Screaming pill: Just do it
Screaming pill: And I'm sorry Yuto
Takoyaki prince: ???