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Hongmom: Yeo one, Yanan where are you two?

Annyeong chingudeul: Hhhhmmmmmmmm

Drama trash: Out

Hongmom: And with out you mean?

Drama trash: Out

Screaming pill: HAHAHAHAH

Hongmom: Stop laughing Edawn or I will personally make you grounded for life

Hamburger is life: No please don't Hongseok. I have no energy to have Edawn in the house all the time

Screaming pill: I don't know if I should feel insulted or not of what you just said

Hamburger is life: I was hoping for insulted

Screaming pill: Then I'm not

DancingKing: HAhahah

Hamburger is life: Kino, did you say something?

DancingKing: No no, nothing at all

Hamburger is life: I thought so

Hongmom: Please be quiet!

LeaderHu: Hello everyone

Screming pill: Hi Hui

LeaderHu: Does anyone wants to play a game with me?

Screaming pill: Sure sounds fun

LeaderHu: Okay so what do you want to play

Screaming pill: What about a screaming contest?

LeaderHu: But you always win

Screaming pill: I promise to not do my best, okay?

LeaderHu: Okay

GiantMaknae: I also want to play

Takoyaki prince: Who was what who just screamed?

LeaderHu: Edawn

Hongmom: Can you all please shut up so I can find my two sons!!

Screaming pill: But we are playing

Hongmom: And I don't care

HighNoteKing: But they said they were out Hongseok?

Hongmom: Really Jinho? You are the worst dad ever

Takoyaki prince: Since when become Jinho our dad?

Dancingking: Since Hui and Hongseok broke up

LeaderHu: We were never together!

GiantMaknae: And how do you explain us?

Screaming pill: were you together with Hongseok?

LeaderHu: I hope you all remember your own parents you have at home and no Edawn I have never been together with Hongseok

Hongmom: But honey

Hamburger is life: Honey!!!

GiantMaknae: Should it not be Edawn who screams Shinwon?

Hamburger is life: Oh right I'm sorry, I just got really shocked

Screaming pill: Thank you Wooseok and HONEY!!

LeaderHu: It's not what it looks like

Screaming pill: Sure HONEY!

LeaderHu: Don't be like that Edawn. Hongseok what are you doing?

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