Chapter 3

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Mayumi was too nervous to eat anything, so he trudged out of the hall to Sensei’s Zen garden. The Garden was really a beautiful place, with fair-sized rocks here and there, and lots of sand that Sensei personally raked. The garden was set at the end of a long, winding dirt path, and the location was so separate from the rest of the dojo that nothing ever disturbed it. There was a tropical rainforest to the left of it, filled with birds and flowers in every color, and flat desert to the right, with cacti and rocks here and there. Breath-taking mountains surrounded the garden, their misty tops almost hidden from view behind white, puffy clouds. Truly nothing was more beautiful than the Sensei’s Zen garden.

When Mayumi reached the garden, Sensei welcomed him, saying, “I have felt a disturbance in the universe. You are troubled. Why?”

“I do not understand what you are asking, Sensei,” Mayumi lied.

“There is no need to lie to me, Mayumi,” Sensei replied. “It doesn’t take a genius to see that you are troubled. But again, I ask, why?”

“Well, it’s Ninja Ling, sir, he keeps taunting me,” Mayumi paused before finally saying, “and speaking disrespectfully of you.”

“I am completely aware that Ninja Ling talks about me behind my back, Mayumi, and rest assured, it shall be taken care of. I hope our little conversation last night during your training helped you. You are becoming quite the ninja.”

“That voice was you?!” Mayumi said in disbelief.


“But you weren’t near me last night! How is it that even though I was alone, I could still hear you?”

“It is a well-guarded secret, kept by only the most advanced ninjas. I cannot tell you quite yet, but soon, young student, soon. But you must remember, Mayumi, you are never really alone, even if there is no one around you.”

“Well that should be fun when I’m in the shower,” Mayumi said sarcastically.

Sensei chuckled, “I used to feel the same way when I was young like you. You remind me so much of me when I was your age.”

“So do you think I have a chance of becoming Sensei?” Mayumi asked hopefully.

“I don’t.” It was the voice of Ling.

“Ah, welcome, Ninja Ling,” Sensei sighed.

“What is he doing here?” Mayumi asked.

“I’m sorry, Mayumi, but what are you doing here?” Ling scoffed. “I don’t remember Sensei ever inviting someone as low-level as you to his private Zen garden.”

But before Mayumi could respond, Sensei stepped between them, and said, “I have invited both of you here in the hopes to resolve your rivalry. A ninja clan cannot function properly if two of its ninjas are in dispute.”

“Oh, great,” Ling groaned.

“I have made a decision that I hope shall be the right one,” Sensei continued as if Ling had not said anything, “Mayumi, you shall be assigned, ‘the mission.’”

“Ha!” Ling laughed.

“You as well, Ling,” Sensei scolded. “You two will be working together on this mission.” Neither Mayumi nor Ling spoke, as they didn’t want to miss a single word Sensei was saying, because neither one of them actually knew what the mission involved doing.

“Here is what you need to do,” continued Sensei, “and I will warn you, it is vital that you succeed. Deep in the heart of the Americas lays a ninja star. This is not, however, an ordinary ninja star. Some believe it to have powers beyond any ninja or Sensei. Because of this, most know it as, The All-Powerful Ninja Star. Because it contains powerful magic, many evil figures intend to take it for themselves. I need you to go to the Americas and retrieve that ninja star before anyone else does. If you fail, the whole world will be at stake. You must get that ninja star! Do you understand?

“Yes, Master, but how will we find it? We don’t know its exact location, or anything that may help us find it. How is it that we must find a ninja star that we know nothing about?” asked Mayumi.

“I have given you enough information to be able to find it even if it is in the very corner of our universe. I tell you, young ninjas, you shall know it when you see it. For now, knowing that it is in the Americas is enough. You must set out at once, ninjas, for we cannot waste any more time in conversing with one another. Take this map, for it will guide you as far as the Americas, but no farther. The world is in terrible danger, so, for now, young ninjas, I bid you a fond farewell.”

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