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"Come sit up here." I said gesturing to one of the chairs. I sat in my chair. I set up two of the monitors and the microphones as well as the controllers, games, and discord. "What's up brether?" John called out. "Oh, hi."
Y/N said shyly. "Heyy Y/N." "Hello?" She said confusingly. "I'm John." "Oh Hi." Ohm and Luke joined and Luke introduced himself to her and vise versa, getting the whole gist of the new girl blah blah blah. And then we started. "You don't actually suck." John said as the round ended to Y/N. She had the most kills. "Oh thanks." We continued to play and mostly won due to Luke and Y/N. "FU-ck." She half yelled as she died. "Oh my fucking god. That was a cheap shot. Fucking loser." I turnt my chair to look at her. "Sorry didn't mean to get so mad." Ohm just laughed his weird dying fish laugh and I chuckled. We continued to play until 6:00 pm. "Should probably get going and go get some dinner." Ohm suggested. We all decided that was a good ideas. "Could I get your number Y/N?" John asked. They exchanged numbers and we all logged off. Luke didn't give her his phone number because he still didn't know her. She jumped on my bed and I reclined my chair a bit and turned it to her. "My eyes." She said. The sheets muffled her words. "It can do that to a person when you sit in front of a screen for about three hours." "THREE HOURS?" She screamed. "Shush. And yes." She turnt over and laid on the bed checking her phone. "I have 52 texts from Andy. Let's read some.... Never mind let's not." I let out a small chuckle knowing what Andy was implying. Then my mom yelled up. "Dinners done kids!" She rolled over and we both walked downstairs. "What's for dinner ma?" "(Y/N's favorite food)" "Thats actually my favorite food!" "Thats great sweetie! Hope you like it." Y/N helped my mom set the table and put everything on the table. "Your so sweet." "Oh thanks." "Glad you two are getting along." I chimed in. Y/N smiled. We began to eat. "So what did you two kids do today?" My Mom asked. "Well we got coffee, went to the park, and then went to This Chinese place which was amazing. And then when we came back here we just played video games." "Sounds like fun. Glad you two had a good day. So are you his-" "ma I said no." "Alright Alright. I get it." Y/N just giggled and my mom smiled at her. "Anyways, the food is really good!! I can never cook it this good." "What about your mom?" "She's a physicist, she does science she doesn't cook." She said jokingly. As everyone was done with their food Y/N started to clean up so I helped her. I did the dishes, she dried them and put them away. "Oh thank you kiddos for cleaning up. You didn't have to." "You cooked, we clean." Y/N said happily. After that we went back upstairs and
Y/N plopped back onto my bed and I went back to the chair. We were both on our phones when her phone started ringing. "Uhh.. is there anywhere I could take this?" "The bathroom." I pointed to a door in the far right of the room. "Ok thanks."

It was my mom. I asked if there was anywhere I could take the phone call and he pointed to the bathroom. I went in there and answered the phone.

Mom: Me and Dad night not be hope for a little while. We're in Connecticut. He has a case and I have some work to do. Don't know how long we'll be but I'll tell you when I know.
Y/N: Why did you even bother to call? It's not like you actually care. I know your not coming home so it doesn't really matter. You've been to the house twice and all you do is pay the bills.
Mom: we just wanted to let you know.
Y/N: Alright sure have fun. Bye.

I said as I hung up the phone and muted her number along with my dads. Their never home and never have been. Why bother to call and tell me, it's not a big surprise your just reminding me how much you don't care. Frustrated I went back out and plopped on the bed, face first. I just wanted to cry but I wasn't gonna. I didn't want him to see me like that. And it's a stupid thing to cry about especially since it's been this way just about my whole life. "Do you want a hug?" I heard Smit ask a bit concerned. "No." I said even though I wanted one. "Yes you do." "No I don't." From what I could hear he got out of his chair and picked me up just a bit. He wasn't strong enough to fully lift me. He opened his arms as I turned around. I decided to give in and gave him a hug. He ran his fingers through my hair. "Everything's gonna be alright." He said in a soft and calming voice. "Your too sweet." I said back to him. At some point he let go. "Is there anyone at your house?" "No. Andy's probably sleeping and I'll just be home alone." "Well it's pouring out. What's the sense of going home when you can just crash here?" "I've literally known you for two days. I don't wanna be a burden. I can just call a cab or borrow an umbrella." "Don't be ridiculous, my mother would love to have you over." "Seriously. I'll be fine. A little rain never hurt anyone." "Come on. Seriously! My mom will be fine with it. You can borrow a sweater and sweatpants or something!" I really don't wanna go home and sleep in a cold room all alone. "I guess I could crash on the couch." "No way." "Then where do you suppose I sleep?" "My bed. It's a double bed and I can sleep on the floor." "No. This is your room. I can sleep on the floor or on the couch. I will not sleep in your bed." "Just go pick out something from my closet and I'll go tell my mom. There's also an extra toothbrush under the bathroom sink." "Alright." I really didn't wanna bum bard but I guess he was right. I went into his closet and just pulled out a pink hoodie. I put that overtop of my shirt and put my flannel on the hanger on the other side of the door. I then went to the bathroom to wash my face off and get the makeup off of it.


I walked out of my room and downstairs. "Hey ma." "Yea sweetie?" "Do you mind is Y/N stays over tonight? It's pouring out and her parents aren't home so I don't want her to go home in the pouring rain and be all alone at home." "Yea sure. Where's she gonna sleep?" "My bed. I'll sleep on the floor." "Alright. Goodnight, just don't do anything stupid." "Ma, you know I won't." "I know I know." "Goodnight." My mom went up to bed and I decided to warm up some milk. Y/N came walking down right as I was finishing up, I noticed her wearing my pink hoodie. It suits her. "Do you want some warm milk and cookies?" "Uh Yea sure." She said rubbing her eyes with the sleeves. The hoodie sleeves where a bit long on her. She also didn't have any makeup on at all and she still looked as beautiful as ever. "I hope you don't mind I borrowed this. If you do I can put it back I'm sorry. I don't wanna overstep any boundary's." "I told you to pick something out it's fine." I poured her a glass of warm milk along with myself and got some cookies and we sat at the table eating and drinking. She covered her face a lot, I guess she was self conscious without her makeup on. When we where both done we went upstairs. I got a blanket and put it on the floor along with two pillows and another blanket. She went to sit on the floor. "Your sleeping in my bed and I'm sleeping on the floor." "No your not." "Thats what's happening." She proceeded to lay on the floor in protest. "Sleep in your bed." "No." I said. "Just come on. I'll feel bad if I sleep in your bed." "Alright, but if you change your mind let me know. And here's a charger I said giving her a charger. "Thanks." She said. I got some pajama pants and a plain white t-shit and changed in the bathroom. "Do you wanna watch tv before we go to sleep or just go to bed?" "Your choice." "Alright." I turnt on some childhood cartoons and turnt off the lights. "Mind if I come up there for a bit?" She asked nervously. "Sure." She tucked herself in and watched the cartoons as I scrolled on my phone. A few minutes later I felt something heavy. It was her head on my shoulder. I tucked her in and made sure she was comfortable. I started to get up slowly and walk over to sleep on the floor. I tucked myself in a rolled over. What a good day. I thought to myself as I dozed off...

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