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I awoke from the bright sunlight seeping through my blinds. I looked over at my phone. 6:00 am.
Y/N was still asleep so I rolled back over and went back to sleep. At around 10 am I woke up again and decided to get up. I didn't actually get up I just sat laid there on my phone. Then I had to pee. I went to the bathroom and on the way out I noticed Y/N with messy hair looking so peaceful, in a weird sleeping position. She looked adorable though. I grabbed some clothes and got dressed. Then I decided I'd make breakfast. My mom was already at work by then. I went downstairs and started to get everything out to make some French toast and coffee. About halfway through cooking Y/N came downstairs, with a messy bun and tired eyes. "Whatcha making?" She asked energetic. "French toast and coffee." "Sounds good. Need any help?" "No it's fine I got it." "If you say so." We continued to talk for a bit while I made breakfast. "I'm also really sorry for sleeping in your bed. I feel terrible." "Like I said before it's fine. I really don't mind." She just gave me a faint smile and we ate. "This is really good. Thank you!!" She said happily. "I'm not Gordon Ramsay but your welcome." She giggled at my remark and we continued eating.

When I woke up I smelt food. His mom is probably cooking something for breakfast I thought. I was in his bed? Oh no, I fell asleep watching cartoons, which means he slept on the floor. I feel awful. This is his house and I slept in his bed. Oh no. He wasn't on the floor when I got up. Probably downstairs. I got up and got out the extra toothbrush under the sink and used it. I also fixed my hair into a messy bun. I decided to walk downstairs when I saw him cooking. No mom, but just him. We talked and I apologized for sleeping in his bed but he didn't care. When we got done eating breakfast I washed the dishes, he didn't want me to but it was the least I could do.


"I think it's about time I go home. I don't wanna overstay my welcome." "As long as I get to walk you home." "I mean if you'd like, as long as I get to keep your hoodie on till I get home because I don't wanna be seen with the same shirt on." "Yea sure." We went back upstairs and she got her things. I got my things, changed and we left. Instead of brushing her hair she just used the hood. Made her look so adorable. When we started walking she called Andy.


Y/N: Hey girl.
Andy: Hey! Where are you, I knocked on your door and you didn't answer earlier and I also went in and the house was empty.
Y/N: I stayed over Smits house since it was raining and I already knew you where asleep and his mom didn't want me to be alone at home, so I just crashed on the couch.

I lied to her. Smithers just looked over at me a bit confused why I lied but just laughed in off. I smiled nervously, I didn't want her teasing me.

Andy: Oh Alright. His mom seems nice. Anyways I'm out with Ryan. We went to aquarium and I'm having fun. Mind if we talk later?
Y/N: I don't mind at all. Just have fun! Love you!
Andy: Love you too!! Bye!!

And I hung up the phone. "She's at the aquarium with Ohm." I said putting my hands in the hoodie and looking at the ground. "Sounds like a date." He said chuckling. We continued to joke about the two of them as we slowly approached my house. I pulled out my keys. "Do you wanna come in?" I asked. "Uh yea sure." I let him in. My house wasn't as big as his but wasn't small. He hesitated doing anything. "Make yourself at home." I said. He sat down in a chair. "There's some video games if you wanna play something while I go shower there's tons of games." "How long will you be?" "Fifteen to twenty minutes." "Alright, take your time." I went to my room and picked out and outfit.

(Again you can pick something else if ya want

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(Again you can pick something else if ya want.)

I went with something simple and cozy. I hopped in the shower, washing my hair and body as quickly and throughly as I could. I dried off quickly and just towel dried my hair and put it up, got dressed, and decided not to put on any makeup. I also grabbed my (non-prescription or prescription) glasses and put them on. They went with anything and I was feeling too lazy to (put in contact lenses or put makeup on.), so why not just wear the glasses? I went downstairs with his hoodie. "Uhh sorry I took so long and here."I gave him back his hoodie. "You could of kept it after all you pulled it off better then I could." He said smiling at me. I could feel my face burn up. "Yea I could." I remarked and sat down. He just laughed. "What do you recon we do then? I don't have anything planned and it doesn't seem like you do." He asked me after a few minutes. "We could go to the Pier then the farmers market." "Hell yea. Sounds like a lot of fun." We got our stuff and left I grabbed a backpack to put my things in, since I don't like bags as much. "So, we've known each other for three days and you've already stayed over my house, slept in my bed, and wore my clothes." He said as we where walking out of the door. I felt a bit embarrassed ya the statement. "Seems like some sort of bad rom com movie or something." He followed up. "I mean, when you put it like that, your right. Except this is not a bad rom com." "You right." "Lets see, we have about twenty minutes to a half hour till we get to the pier so let's get to know each other, huh?" "Yea sure why not." In the half hour it took us to walk to the pier I learned his dad passed awhile ago. He moved to Chicago for the same reason as me, family working here and he just happened to have a friend, Ryan, here. And then all of the other guys moved here and they're a giant friend group, which is cool. And his icon for most games, that he designed, is a milk bag, which is quite interesting.


I learned that her parents had never really been around for her, just about ever. That's why she gets so excited to see things like swings and boardgames because she didn't have much of a childhood. I'm assuming that's why she was sad last night and the house was empty. I'm just glad she has a friend like Andy who spends a lot of her nights with Y/N to make sure she's happy and comfortable which is precious if I'm honest. She seems like a really creative and kindhearted person. It's unfortunate that she didn't get to show that off growing up but I'm glad at least now she can with her new friends. There was one question in particular that gave her a good laugh. "So are you popular at school? Like a ladies man?" She asked winking at me and nudging my arm. "Oh hell no. I'm farther from getting a lady then Mini's forehead is to his eyebrows." "Wow." She started laughing, hysterical. I just laughed a bit but she was not holding back. "Holy shit my glasses are fogging up. Oh my god." She said laughing in between each word and trying to clean her glasses. That was a good moment.


As we approached the pier I could see the giant Ferris wheel and the museum, as well as the smell of hotdogs flooding the area. Ahh, America. "It's about 1:10 so I say pier for two hours and then the farmers market for like a half hour or so." "Seems fair." "Good" "Lets go to the games!!" We went to a basketball game, the ones that are always rigged, uGh. "Think I could win you that?" Smithers asked pointing at a little dog plushie. "Nah not a chance." He tried. Several times. There was also an older lady next to us trying to do it, bless her. After the 7th try I stopped him. "Here hold my bag." I told him. I payed and the man just chuckled. I rolled my eyes and took the ball. Three dribbles, aim, shoot, and I got it in. I got it in three times. The man was puzzled and Smithers was impressed and excited. I got the dog plushie. "Here ya go." Smithers took the plushie and hugged it. We played some more games. The cork gun game. I got a keychain and he got nothing. We continued to play games and he won me a brown little dog plushie. We both had one. "Before we leave do you wanna get on the Ferris wheel?" "I'm kinda afraid of heights." I admitted. "Come on we'll be fine!!" "If we die it's your fault." He chuckled. We got in line. When it was our turn to get on I got on first so I wasn't closer to the door. Then it started to move and my stomach did flips. I held the dog as tight as I could and closed my eyes. When we got a bit higher Smii7y must of seen how scared I was so he took my hand and scooted a bit closer to me. "It's ok. Nothing's gonna happen I'm here." He said softly. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with his bright brown eyes. I could feel my face light up so I looked at the view. We where all the way at the top. "The view is so pretty." I said looking at the beautiful view. "Just like you." "Oh shut up." I teased...

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