Boy Meets Girl (Chapter One)

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Girl Meets Boy  

(Not Your Average Love Story)

Chapter One.

I've always wanted to have a special someone. Someone who would hug me when everyone was watching and kiss me in the rain. Yes, rain kisses were definitely romantic. I've just always wanted someone to love me. When my mother died, just a year ago, I was in desperate need for a father, but as everyone would say, I looked exactly like my mom. My dad loved her so very much, he couldn't stand looking at me, the exact replica of his lover. That terrible day, I lost not just one, but both of my parents. My father still took care of me. I still had food on the table and money for shopping. I have a beautiful car, and live in a mansion-type house. I had the freedom a girl could dream of. The fact is, I would trade all of that to have a real father, one who loves me. We communicate with notes on the fridge, or on bedroom doors, if I'm in a room, and he walks in, he'll walk right out. My mothers beautiful face has become a curse.

Since I was abandoned by both my parents, I admit, I'm scared of being left alone again. I was depressed for a while, and then I was shunned out of the popular crowd for being "always upset". Unbelievable! Finally, everyone I ever loved had finally betrayed me, and I promised myself that I would never love anyone ever again, for I fear they will leave without the blink of an eye.

Of course, all that changed on one unsuspecting November day. I remember that day perfectly, the day I met Him. It was cloudy, I was staring out the window absentmindedly, trying to drown out the sound of my second period English teacher. There was a small knock on the door, and a boy walked in. Heads turned and hair flipped in his direction. The only thing more incredible than the girls' reaction, was the young man himself. He wasn't tanned, overly muscular, and he didn't have a jock-like body or playboy attitude about him. I don't know what the other girls would classify him as, but he was definitely beautiful. His bright green eyes stood out against his pale face. He wore clothes like any other teenager would, but he wore his pants properly, not inches from the floor. Shadows hit his face as he walked toward the teachers desk. I wonder if he would mind being my tall, dark stranger.

He bravely introduced himself to the class before finding a seat. Jordan Summers. He started walking towards me. I couldn't believe it, of all the free seats he wanted to sit next to me. For the first time in a long time I wished I would have worn a skirt today, or fixed my hair this morning. I'm not really the prettiest girl out there, and it doesn't help that I don't believe in appearances. When you're invisible to everybody, does it really matter? All I've been focusing on are my grades and not my social status. I'm waiting for my do-over.

"Hello. Do you mind if I sit here?" His voice, just like music is suspended in the air around us.

"It's okay." I mentally kick myself. It's not everyday that a beautiful creature such as Jordan chooses to sit beside me. The least I could do is try to carry a conversation before I scare him away. I look around to avoid his piercing eyes. Looking around the room, I realize there is no other free seat. What was I thinking, that he actually _saw_ me? Have I become, _that_ pathetic, having to imagine attention from Jordan? I turned away, abandoning all hope.

Class was soon over and lunch was in session. The morning gloom and doom gave way to the beautiful sunshine, and brought the last warm day of the year. The students of Pennybrook High wouldn't let it go to waste. Most of them were outside enjoying their cafeteria lunches at the picnic style tables in the outdoor lunch area. These days, lunch was not just for eating. I sat at the foot of an old oak tree, my old oak tree. Unwrapping my ham and cheese sandwich, I surveyed the crowd today. Even though I was very self-reserved, and I was invisible to everyone, I wasn't clueless. I'm still a teenage girl, interested in the hot new actor and high-school gossip. Couples behind the bushes and jocks flaunting their chicks. Jordan Summers looking beautiful and lost, trying to find a seat, or maybe to choose one of the many free spots generous girls offered him. His gentle gaze reached mine. We locked eyes and I couldn't look away. Next thing i knew, he was already making his way towards me, with a hint of a smile on his face.

"Hey, My name is Jordan," he took a seat next to me, his gentle voice made me relax and calmed my nerves a little.

"I know, I remember." Ouch. Goodness. I'm relaxed, but I still can't form a proper, even slightly intelligent sentence. "Uh, I'm Alex," I said, trying my best to sound a little more friendly.

"Alex, that's a nice name, it suits you."


We ate in a comfortable silence for a while, just watching the rest of the high school students' typical behaviour. What they would do for just a little attention was incredible, they practically fed off it.

"You don't like the attention?" He read my thoughts. I turned to look at Jordan.

"I used to, but it does get tiring. They expect you to be perfect, and when something slips, there's too much drama." I didn't want to tell Jordan - the amazing new guy who actually talked to me - that I was practically shunned from the populars. I didn't mind the invisibility I had now, but I would've loved for things to go back to the way they were. Jordan didn't need to know that. We just met. "What about you? Out of all the free seats beside the pretty girls, why choose my tree?" How's that for conversational skills, with a hint of flirt. Seems I haven't lost all my touch.

"It's too crowded, you know. There are enough people in the spotlight, it's not special anymore." The look on his face told me there was more to him than that, but I didn't push him. It was a conversation too intense for a day like today.

Minutes later, when people started leaving, I stood up, ready to leave. "It was nice meeting you, Jordan."

"It was, wasn't it?" his smile made my heart flutter. "Would you mind walking me to Geometry? I look like a tourist trying to figure out this school map."

I smiled, but my face fell when I realized the prettier girls trying to catch his attention. "Why don't you ask one of them," I nodded towards them, "I'm sure they wouldn't mind walking you." I wasn't very good at hiding my jealousy.

"I would. But that would make _me_ centre of attention. And we can't have that now, can we?"

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