9 ➤ the marauder's van

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   School sucks. It always has and it always will. At least for Remus. It's not necessarily that he doesn't like learning stuff- He does. It's not even related to waking up early- He loves that too. Maybe it's having to speak louder than usual and having eyes all over you, or perhaps having to dress decent for the sake of your reputation, or looking slightly good so no one thinks you're weird. It's a bunch of little things that gathered together make you insecure about yourself and make you feel as if you're put under pressure.

   Maybe some people like it. People who are not like Remus. Maybe those who don't overthink and are not anxious enjoy being at school, with their cool friends and pretty significant others, and  jocks like being watched by the pretty girls when they play football.

   But all Remus wants is to be left alone. That's why he chose to sit at the desk in the very back of the class, with no one sitting next to him and teachers barely seeing him there. He likes to go unnoticed, and rather be the one that observes and notices things and people. He hates it when he is in the center of attention.

   "Hey there." 

   Remus is walking down the hallway and to the exit door when Lily appeares out of nowhere, rays of sun dripping down her glowing hair and giving it such a magical and fairy-like look. 

   Remus smiles. "Hey, Lily. What's up?" 

   After cleaning that other redhead's house after the party, Remus, Lily and her friends started talking more to each other. Peter sits text to him in a few classes, James waves at him if they meet in the bathroom and Sirius often sits with him on the bench right outside the high school when he waits for his father to come pick him up. It's like they're best friends now, and Remus is so grateful for meeting them and not having to be the 'lonely, awkward kid'.

   "So... I was just wondering if you'd like to come on a little trip later today. With James and everyone," she proposes to the tall boy nicely.

   He stops right before leaving the high school building and frowns a little. "Trip? Define trip." His mother is fine. She's taking her pills and even seeing a psychiatrist now so there's nothing to worry about if he's gone a few days, right? 

   "Sirius has a van. Uh, we changed it a little so in the back of it, where initially there were a few more seats, is now a bed... Thingy. It's really cool." So hipster. "It's almost November, so we're going away for the weekend. We have a spot at the edge of the forest right outside the city."

   "I'll have to ask my parents," Remus responds, but is actually excited for it. He's never had friends who do things like this- Cool things. "Thanks for thinking about me. I'll text you or something?" 

   "Yes, sure!" Lily smiles. "I should give you my number- Or, ours. I'll give you their numbers too." 

   "Sure." And then Lily gives Remus her number, James', Sirius' and Peter's and asks him to text any of them when he decides, also noting that they plan on leaving in a few hours, specifically six pm. 

   "Should I, like... Bring something?" Remus politely asks and gives Lily some time to think.

   "Hmm... I don't think so. I mean, of course- Water and clothes but nothing else. We've got the food, pillows, blankets and everything." 

   Then, they go separate ways and by the time Remus gets home, he talks to his mother about it and then waits for his father to come home, around five pm, asking him if he could go.

   "You know these kids well?" his father asks him, concerned about hanging out with bad influences, but also trusting his kid not to do anything stupid.

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