Broken Hand: Chapter One

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"Goodnight New Jersey! You all were amazing!" Andy shouted out to the crowd as they finished the show. The band walked off, CC last and that was a first. It concerned Jinxx so he asked his friend was anything wrong. "Uhm.. Y-yeah yeah i-i'm fine dude, nothing's wrong. Everything's fine!" He stammered over his words, hiding his hands behind his back. "You sure?" Jinxx was suspicious toward his odd behavior. CC nodded violently and quickly walked off to the bus, after the others. Jinxx shrugged off this moment and continued his daily routine after a show, and called his best friend other than the guys. 

-after a while-

"CC your hand is broken! We'll get a replacement for a bit, it's alright!" Jake attempted to persuade his friend, but it was useless. "Dudes i'm fine, see!" CC moved his fingers, trying to act alright, but winced in pain and let out a little whimper. "See.." he said in an unconvincing tone, his voice breaking. Meanwhile, Jinxx was currently on the phone with his friend, Dani. "Jinxx, can you please ask Dani to fill in on drums for a while?" Andy butted in. "NO I'M FIIIIINEEEE!!" CC whined, hoping to be annoying enough for them to stop, but, alas, his plan didn't work. "i knew something was wrong.." Jinxx mumbled and Dani's weird giggle could be heard from the other end of the phone. "So will you fill in? Pleeaasee??" Ashley almost shouted into the phone after taking it off Jinxx. "Yeah, sure. If CC doesn't mind me stealing his drums for a while." Dani retorted. "Well, CC DOES MIND!" CC stomped his foot after his little statement. "CC." Andy said, "Yes, Andrew?" "Shut the fuck up." CC then did what Andy implied, begrudgingly. "When do you want me over at the bus?" Dani queried. Ashley gave the guys a questioning look, Jinxx then took his phone back and replied, "As soon as possible, with your first aid kit, if able." CC was not happy whatsoever and narrowed his eyes at his friend. A murmur could be heard from the other end of the line and then a beep, that didn't last too long. "I hate you guys so much, I'm fine!" CC was only getting started. 

But, thankfully for the others; Jinxx interrupted the slim boy. "I get you hate us right now, but Dani's nice, okay? And it's only temporary." "But-" "NO" The rest of the band shouted at CC.

He slumped back in his chair, sulking, and hoping Jinxx was right.


Dani had just gotten off the phone with her friend, Jinxx and was packing her things. She stopped in her tracks and thought, 'shit, whose gonna feed the dogs?!' she picked up her mobile phone and texted her friend, Jordan. Aka Steve. 'bitch can u come over and feed the dogs for the next few weeks r so?' she got a reply almost immediately. 'y it's not like u have other frens'. Dani rolled her brown eyes and texted back. 'jinxx asked me to fill in for cc now u gon feed my animals r wot'. She continued to pack and contemplated bringing a few CDs. "Nooo.. i can't.. well.." She looked at her almost empty bag and cracked a smile. "Maybe just a few!"

After packing she checked her phone. Words lit up on her screen, "5 UNREAD MESSAGES FROM 'fuckin lil bitch steve" She chuckled quietly at her own name for her friend and checked her messages. 'wAIT WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS I HATE U' 'BRING MW W U PLS' 'ASK ANDY IF HE'S OVER JULIET YET' 'TELL HIM STEVE CAN COMFORT HIM' 'but ye i'll feed ur animals that u adore more than me' Dani replied with 'yah will do, i'll put in a good word ;)). thx theres enough food i think'. Dani then grabbed her bvb hoodie, and slipped it over her motionless in white t-shirt because it was cold-ish outside. She then pulled up her ripped black jeans,  fixed her bright purple hair, tossed her bag over her shoulder, and popped in her earphones, turning on my chemical romance's mcrx and started walking after locking her doors, seeing as Jordan had a spare key.

Little did anyone know, this day would change the rest of their lives.

A/N hey everyone, this is my first book so don't judge i guess ? i'll try update when i can, please excuse any spelling errors or the stupid unfunny jokes i make. okay, see you in the next update. bye- dani

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