*Time Skip*
Tord's P.O.V
'TOMMY IS COMING OVER!'Honey squealed right into my ear probably erasing half of my hearing,sitting her feet onto the ground I turn my attention towards a coat hanger and hang my coat onto it,walking into the kitchen I had no clue what to make for supper,why did I decide to do this...I look down at Thomas-I mean Honey and smile at her,she smiled back as she runs up to the couch and grabs one of her headless babrie dolls and starts to play with it,'Well...I better get started'I smiled to myself brushing my fingers threw my hair...
I grab ahold of a pan and fill it with water...Walking over to the cupboard I grab ahold of the pasta sauce and a box of pasta,throwing the pasta in I watch the pasta sizzle,'DADDY I WANNA HELP!'I hear Honey cheer,I turn and look down to see Honey with pain all over her dress,'H-how did you get the paint from the top of the shelf?!'I asked,'I got my ways'She smirked pointing her thumb at herself,'Augh your a mess'I state picking her up,'How about this,you can help daddy if you go and get dress into something clean'I state putting her down and dirrecting her towards the stairs,'You got 5 minutes to get dress and kill the monster in your bedroom now GO QUICKLY!'I state exagerating,'AAAAAGH'She screached running up the stairs,once she was gone I laugh to myself and continue to cook.
*Time Skip*
I was almost finish until I check the time,'Okay its 4:48...I have afew minutes to-AGH ITS 4:48!','Cmon Honey we need to go get Thomas!'I say running over and grabbing my coat...As I grab Honeys hand we were emidiatly out...Completely ignoring that the water was still boiling the pasta...>:3
Thomas's P.O.V
I drove towards my work,car accidents and traffic was in the way stressing me out,'CMON HURRY UP!'I shouted out of my window,I honk 3 times...It was just yelling all around us until I heard a car door open...It was the guy infront of us,'WANNA THROW HANDS YA FUCKING PIXIE!','I DONT KNOW MAYBE I DO!'I gowled getting out o my car aswell,we both met infront of eachother,he towered over me making me emidiatly regret my desision,'HEY LEAVE HIM ALONE'I hear a familiar accent speak,we both turn our attention to see my boss walking up to the man exactly his hight,'Who Da fuck are you?'They asked clearly not as confident,'None of your buisness'He huffed grabbing my hand gently and turning,'Ey IM NOT DONE WITH YOU'The man growled as he swung his fist at Tord,I squint my eyes shut until I hear someone squeak,I open my eyes to see Tord had turned around and caught his fist,Tord twisted his arm behind his back and kneed it down so he was now on the floor,'What were ye saying?'He smirked pressing his knee harder making the man whimper,'N-nothing Nothing'He whined,'Yeah...Thats what I thought...Cmon Thomas lets go'He smiled...
We got up and the traffic was all threw,I had gotten in my car and I followed him to his home,he lives in a really nice house,once we got into the parking thats when Honey ran up to me and gave me a big hug,she was wearing a blue tantop with a purple shirt,'TOMMEE'She smirked hugging my leg,'Hey Honey'I smiled looking down at how cute she was,'Sorry about that traffic scene'Tord laughed,'Haha No worries,I woudnt been dead meat if it wasnt for you'I reasured,'Thats reasuring...Cmon inside'He smiled,Honey let go and ran in and emidiatly out,'DADDY THE OVEN!'She shouted pointing at the inside of the house,'SHIT'He shouted running inside,I ran in with him to see the water was boiling and over flowing,he turned the oven down and looked at the pasta in the water,'Welp...Thats my fault for being ignorant'He laughed clearly feeling embarrassed,'No worries...We can order some Pizza'I laughed trying to cheer him up,'PIZZA'She gasped,'That sounds good actualy'He laughed in shame,'You know we dont need to be that professional...We can just...Yah know...Chill'I smiled,'Now get out of that professional outfit and put something casual on'I smiled pushing him towards the stairs,'Okay Okay'He chuckled walking up the stairs,I grab ahold of my phone and call the pizza dudes.
*Time Skip*
Tord wore a red hoodie as we ate pizza and watched movies with Honey inbetween us making us look like a couple...Eventualy Tord put Honey to sleep and we watched movies till we passed out...