The Heart

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The heart is a muscle located behind the breastbone. Every day, it pumps blood all around the body, striving to keep us alive. It follows our emotions, beating faster and slower depending on what we feel, reacting to the world around us. It is the first organ to form within the womb and it's failure means the end of our life.

When we were little, it needed help. They would hook us up to machines which protected us until we were strong enough to survive on our own. Some stayed hooked to those machines for the rest of their lives, their hearts tirelessly beating in sync. Every heart is different, just as every person is different.

The heart was there with every friendship and every crush, helping us to connect and reach out with the hope that their own heart would respond. It helped us to grow within a family, multiple hearts beating as one as we all lived under the same roof. There may be fighting and there may be tears, but at the end of the day, our hearts would always reach out to one another.

It was there when we noticed our first crush and the unfamiliar rush of euphoria came over us. It was there with the little child in the playground who later became our best friend. It formed unbreakable bonds with those who mattered most - the ones which made it beat the strongest.

But the heart was not only there for the good times. Like all love, it was there for the joy and the sorrow.

It was there the first time we were rejected, slowly falling out of our chest as our crush laughed and walked away. It was there when our so called friends sneered in our faces standing behind the bodies of bullies. As strong as it was, there were times when it faltered.

The gut wrenching feeling of failure which made it ache in our chest, the sinking feeling of rejection and the suffocating pain of betrayal all shaped it to what it became. It was there when we wept, it was there when we laughed and it will be there until our very last day.

It bore these scars with pride, helping us to overcome the obstacles and protecting us from being hurt the same way again. Everyone knows it as the organ that gives us life, but that meaning isn't just biological. A heart is what makes us human.

And now, it's still there, as it always was and as it always will be, pumping peacefully away beneath our skin. It carries every scar of our life within it, and yet it still carries on. The brain may control our body, but our heart controls our mind. It's why we always close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss or dream. Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen, but felt by the heart.

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