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Hey guys!

I'm not sure if this chapter is any good cause I keep re-reading it and it just sounds wrong. But here you go.

This chapter is a little intense. Ashana is somehow affected by Delora's scratch and Delora kind of gets into trouble because of it :s Please leave any comments as to why you think Ashana is affected.

Please enjoy it heaps :)

Until next time.

R .x

I felt my body drifting, and as I drifted, I felt myself breaking apart.

As time drew on, it felt like every piece of my body was tearing off and I was left in a heap of limbs and organs. It seemed like I'd been transported out of the planets atmosphere and thrown into the airless space between liveable worlds. My reality seemed to shatter and turn to static. I subconsciously watched as I slipped off a cliff and into a dark, numb state. Though, somewhere beneath me, I could feel a sharp pain radiate from my shoulder and out to my finger tips and head. I could feel my eyes water and tears of pain slip out of the corners and down my frozen cheeks. The salty tears left a horrible burning sensation behind and it felt like it exploded throughout my whole body and corrupted my delicate senses.

My eyelids split apart, allowing light in. I could see a face; small and gremlin-like, peering at me. For a moment, panic raced through me, sending shakes through my body. I felt something rise in my throat and started coughing and choking to try to clear it. The small green face reappeared. This time I could hear it shouting, but the words didn't register in my mind. Panic still sped through my veins, causing sharp and painful breaths and what felt like a dagger piercing my heart. My breathing began to turn into desperate gasps before I was sucked back into the dark abyss beneath my writhing body.

Cold pressure radiated all over me, and it hurt. It began to feel like there was a frozen metal truck pushing down on top of me. No matter what I tried, I couldn't push it off and I couldn't open my eyes. Everything seemed to be burning. My eyes stung; my heart felt like it was being stabbed; my skin felt so hot it was cold. I felt like I was on fire.

My eyes heavily slid open. My body started in surprise because I'd thought I wouldn't be able to again for a while. I moved my eyes, sluggishly scanning the world. Once again, I felt my body start and breath stick in my throat. What I saw was impossible and dangerous. In front of me was a pack of wolves. They were all huddled together around me, closing every gap and crevice as if they were all protecting me.

I tried to scream and thrash, but someone grabbed onto my hands and gently held me down. A soothing and familiar voice spoke above me. When I tried to look up, a burning pain punched me in the neck. Screams tore from my mouth and quiet sobs came from close by as I drifted off again.

This time, as I came around again, I could feel better. I felt like the pain was subsiding and my body was fighting whatever was wrong with me.

"Where's-" my mouth was dry. It felt like I hadn't drunk a drop of any kind of liquid in days. "Where's Delora?" I asked quietly. A wet chuckle came from above me. I moved my eyes up above my head. A relieved sigh exited my lips and a small smile tugged on my lips.

"She's in the other room. She feels horrible. I'm so sorry. I forgot to tell you her bite was poisonous." I chuckled. Or tried to anyway. My chuckle turned into a painful coughing fit.

"Forgot." I scoffed. Tarn laughed again before his hands tightened on me and I could here the raising of voices. My brain began to feel like mush and my body pulsed with pain.

Once again, I fell into nothingness.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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