This Girl is a Strong One. The Academy's New Students are Arriving Today?

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Shakespeare once wrote, "Why, then, 'tis none to you, for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. -since nothing is really good or bad in itself -it's all what a person thinks about it." He spoke of morality, and in my own opinion, it seems like he means that the concept of right and wrong is more or less flexible. Merely bending towards the more common opinion of our fellow man. And Lord, if you ask me, that's a considerably terrifying thought. I mean with the fickle nature of man. People, society changes all the time, What we think to be of the most value is a very controversial and versatile thing. How can you always trust what people tell you?

I mean, I'm not all that special. That's kind of why I'm here I guess. I want to trust something, to be certain of my values in a time when most aren't. And if you think about it, what better to invest your virtue and passion into in the search for morality than faith? I look around and take in the crowd of kids as they bustle about independent of me, adjusting the bill of my cap over my eyes and tap the heel of my boot anxiously. Have I gone down this hall yet? Should I call Viv?

"Excuse me", announces a voice. I blink, sending my thoughts to the back of my brain as I turn to give them my attention. He's a man, I think, with blue skin, black tribal tattoos on his arms, and thick cornrows along his head. Alongside these are more obvious and absurd traits, (such as giant white eyes, a wide-set almost swollen looking jaw, and a huge hole in the middle middle of his forehead) that would have taken me aback if it wasn't for the fact that I had earlier past a man walking about in front of the school as he.... CASUALLY TWISTED A GIANT SCREW IN HIS HEAD. Needless to say, that more or less desensitized me to whatever other odd things I might encounter at the DWMA, or at least helped prepare me enough so I can keep my reactions toward them to myself. I pivot on my heel and walk over to him as he sits behind a table that I had apparently failed to notice before.

"Yes, Sir? Are you speaking to me?", I ask.

"Yeah, you seemed kinda lost there, kid.", He says, his voice is stern and authoritative. I can easily tell he's a teacher here and therefore, is to be respected.

"Only in thought, Sir." Speak clear and eyes forward.

"Is that right?" he says, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. I can only assume he's attempting to get a read. Square shoulders, chin up. "Well, I suppose you already knew that this is where you confirm your arrival and get your position tags than, right?", he asks. At this, my posture slumps (only slightly) in an odd mix of relief and exasperation. I've scanned this campus up and down for some sort of desk, stand, or even directional sign and it's at a fold-out table in some random undistinguished hall?! That's a new kind of sadistic.

"I did not. Thank you, Sir." I state, trying to ward off my left eye's twitching.

"Yeah, so name and position?", he demands as he leans forward to write on what looks like a list filled with students he has previously been accompanied by through this routine song and dance, no doubt wearing on the patience he might have had for me if I had come sooner. And as much as I'd like to cooperate and make this as painless as I can, I can't help but hesitate at his request. And my eyes falter and actually fall on him for the first real time thus far. Why didn't I make a plan?

"My.... position?.... I am a meister." I flatly reply.

"O..kay," he mutters as he writes my answer in the designated slot. "And your name?"

... I can't speak. What would I say? I can't lie to my superior on the first day, and he looks like the kind of guy who'd know that it was crap. But answering his question isn't a choice either.

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