Chp 2

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"Cel, so what are u going to do 'bout it?" asked my bestie, Estie. She always called my nickname, Cel, and obviously, I called her Est. I shook my head and stared at the blank wall. I sat upside downon the bed and  put my leg up high on the wall. We just found out that my crush, at the same time, my secret admirer, we called him Black cos he's tanned(as in reli tan), but his real name is Sept, (just Sept) was trully in love with me, and want to go 'steady'. Kim(my another bestie) scrolled through my PRIVATE message with Sept, again and thinking of how should I replied in an awesome and romantic way while Mauve(another of my bestie) was looking in some random website for the best reply, did i mention that I did not have any privacy at all?

"how 'bout this? erm... wait, never mind, it's not awesome enough..." said Mauve while her eyes were glued to her IPad screen.

"Ohhh,c'mon, he's waiting!!!!" said Kim annoyingly, 

"Never mind guys, I think a simple "yes" will be enough...."  I said, i picked up the computer.

(our chat)

Sept: So can we, you know, erm..... can you be my girlfriend?I love you

Me: yes

Sept:[ typing.....]

Sept: great!! ^^

Me: <3

(my besties are partically saying "so sweet!" "so romantic" over and over again)

Author Note: they're just Year 7

Sept: should we  meet up?

Me: oh c'mon, we met every Sunday and Thursday night XD

Sept: but i want to meet now,babe

Me: Awwwww,haha

Sept: hahaha

           sorry babe, gtg nw,luv u so much <3 <3 <3 

        see u on Sunday,yeah?

Me: isn't it tomorrow?

Sept: mmhhmm, luv u babe, byee

Me: luv you too

Sept: [offline]

"My gawd!!!! you guys are so disgusting,but sweet!!!!!" squeaked Est, i smiled and switched off the computer.  I looked at them, after 3 seconds of awkward silence, I spoked up


We pratically screamed in the room and jumping and hopped around, this iswhat happened everytime one of us hada relationship (lol)

"Ok darlings, we need to dress her up for tomorrow big day!!!" said Kim while swinging open her closet door,she have the most beautiful dresses and clothes for all kind of events and occassions, so we usually just borrowed her clothes.

Est and Mauve nod in agreement and dashed to the walk-in closet to dig out something to make me a princess by tomorrow. I smiled as I watch them messing up Kim's closet. My phone buzzed, some Whatsapp messages by my new boyfriend asking me what I'm doing and reminded me to sleep early and another one from Samantha, (which I called her Sam all the time) texted  and congratulated me for being with Black, she's is like my other half( I have a lot of bestie). And a message also from Ty (Taylor, Sept's best friend, he is like, the most noisest person on earth, but he's a great friend) saying that he recieved the news and congratulated me too.

I replied the messages and dropped it on the bed while my three girlfriends came in the room holding mountain of clothes on both of their hands, forcingme to try them all on....

Author's note: Hey guys, here's chp2, sorry if there is any typo, grammar mistakes, pls leave a comment if  u saw any. Sorry for the wait, yeah? Chp 2 is kindda long, so bear with me, hehe. Thks for reading and supporting me, pls continue supporting me until the end, luv u, byee xx ^^

Ps: Pls wait for another century for Chp 3

PPS: i changed the cover page and added a lousy description, pls don't judge

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