An Awful Accident

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You had just clocked in for your shift and people were already running around with urgency. It wasn't a surprise; it was the ER. What surprised you was someone yelling, "Doctor (l/n)! We need you stat!" You didn't hesitate and dodged a nurse to run after the person who called for you.

"What is it?" you asked and he handed you a fresh pair of scrubs that were to be worn in the surgical room.

"Awful car accident." He answered, "we can already tell he'll be on the table for hours."

You pulled your hair into a ponytail and put the hair net on, "anything else you can tell me?"

"I'm not really sure, I can tell you for certain that there's awful nerve damage in the hands. Oh, and it's Doctor Strange." You almost stopped running altogether. How did he get into such an awful accident?

"That's good to know." You faltered.

"Here." He stopped running and held open the door for you to enter the room.


You let out a huge sigh and fell back onto one of the chairs in the room. The nurse who called you was right, he was operated on for 11 hours. "Good job everybody." You called out and received nods. He had pulled through. You were thankful that Daniel had made you skip out on training last night. After a moment you got up and exited the room.

"Oh my goodness (f/n)." Doctor Palmer had just passed you and stopped walking to approach you, "were you in there for all 11 hours?"

"Yeah." You groaned and rubbed at your eyes.

"Come here, let's get you some coffee. You'll be clocking out soon right?" she asked and led you to the quiet break room away from the bustling ER.

"Mm-hmm." You nodded, "good thing I don't need to come in tomorrow." You smiled.

"How was it? Is Stephen okay?" she asked in concern.

"He's fine. He'll make it through. I'm not sure if he can continue being a neurosurgeon though." You shook your head. You may have hated his guts, but you did have sympathy for him. "Crazy nerve damage in his hands, I doubt he'll heal enough to return to the sort of precision that's required here." After a moment you added, "eleven stainless steel pins in the bones."

Christine sucked in a breath, "oh my goodness."

"Physically he'll be alright." The two of you pushed open the door into the break room. The door closed behind you and it was immensely quieter. "I'm not sure how much his ego can take though." You forced a smile.

"I don't understand why the two of you are always at odds with each other." She shook her head while you made yourself some coffee.

"I don't fully understand myself." You chuckled, "I mean, he practically is a celebrity. Most of what I know about him comes from the news. Plus, literally every interaction I have with him is suffocated by his ego." Christine looked at you doubtfully, "no really. Everytime I'm in a room with him I can't breathe because his ego fills up the room." You joked and Christine laughed.

"I think I should get going, there's probably someone in here who needs my help." She stated and excused herself from the room.

"Bye Christine." You called after her. You took the styrofoam cup from under the coffee maker and blew on the hot liquid. Things were going to be quieter with Stephen no longer around.


"How's Strange?" you asked Christine. The two of you happened to pass each other and you couldn't help but ask the question.

"We've," she took a deep breath and stepped to the side of the hall, "we've had a fallout."

"Oh." You put a hand up to your mouth and also stepped back to give space for other people to pass by, "I'm so sorry Christine." You knew that the two of them were quite close, and Christine really cared about Stephen.

"It's alright." She forced a smile, "he always was an arrogant prick."

You frowned as your words came out of Christine's mouth, you couldn't say that you were pleased by this new development. "Is he still around?" you asked.

"I don't know." She shook her head, "he was in PT, but he's just disappeared." You nodded to try and console her. "I best be off." Christine stated after a moment of silence and she disappeared behind a corner.

That's how it was for the next few weeks. No news at all of Doctor Stephen Strange. You took every opportunity you could to go to Kamar-Taj and the hospital functioned as normal. Everything was normal.

"Hey Daniel." You waved to said person and entered the Sanctum, "how are you doing?"

"I've been doing well." He nodded.

"Things have been quiet I presume?" you questioned and he nodded again. "Man, this must be the most boring job in the world." You noted and looked around the large, dimly-lit sanctum as if it was your first time ever being in it.

"It's quiet." Daniel agreed, "have you gotten any luck with the relics?"

You hung your head, "no."

"Hey, don't worry about it," Daniel put a reassuring hand on your arm, "perhaps you can wander around here one day and see if one of the relics takes a liking to you."

You laughed a little, "I doubt the Ancient One would be pleased to hear that I was going relic shopping."

"What she doesn't know can't hurt her." Daniel suggested.

You laughed again, "I'll see you around Daniel." You held out your hand and drew out the sparkling portal.

"Remember what I said (f/n)." He called after you and you stepped through the portal into Kamar-Taj. You appeared in the entranceway and you made your way through the building and passed through the main sitting area.

"(l-l/n)?" you looked around for the source of the voice. At first you were confused. Who was this hobo who was looking at you as if you were supposed to know him? How did he get into Kamar-Taj? Then you recognized him.

"Oh no no no no no." You squeezed your eyes shook your head. When you opened them and saw that he was still there you demanded, "why in the world are you here!" you shook your head and paced furiously around the room, "you're not supposed to be here! Of all people it had to be you." You spat at him. "Who let this arrogant prick in here?" you shouted and pointed at said arrogant prick.

"I did." Mordo stepped forward and raised his hand. "The Ancient One threw him out awhile ago, but I convinced her to let this one back in."

"You should've listened to The Ancient One." You shot back at Mordo.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Strange scrambled up to his feet, "did you get into an accident too? Are you here for healing?"

You crossed your arms gave him a once over, "no."

"Then what are you doing here?" he continued to question.

You frowned then answered icily, "I'm a sorcerer, I've come to spar with some people."

"No way." Strange's face look stupefied but then morphed into a smirk, "you-no way."

You scowled and formed a fiery whip in your hand and hit his leg with it. He winced and grabbed at the spot where he was hit. "Watch your mouth Strange. In this place, I'm higher up than you." You continued with scorn and looked down at him before you stalked out of the room.

"You know him?" Mordo asked as he came up beside you.

You scoffed, "yeah I know him. Doctor Stephen Strange, arrogant, egotistical, just an all around prick." You stopped in front of the wooden door to your room, you needed to change. "There's no way he'll survive long here." You told the door but you knew Mordo was still behind you and was listening to your words, "he's too rooted in science." You knew you were being unnecessarily rude to Mordo but you were livid. So you opened the dark door and closed it behind you without a backwards look.

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