I Know That!

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"Master (l/n)." The Ancient One called you over to where she was standing with Strange.

"Yes?" you stepped forward.

The Ancient One quirked an eyebrow at you and pointed at Strange, "why don't you help train Mr. Strange."

"What?" both of you demanded at the same time.

"I'm rarely ever here! And even when I am, it's so that I can spar and make sure I'm still on par!" you protested.

"I hate her!" Strange pointed at you.

"Oh wow, real mature Strange." You snarkily shot at him and turned to look at him, "at least my argument made sense. And you didn't have to be so blunt about it."

Strange looked at you in confusion, "I believed that my hatred for you was implicit from our interactions during the past few years."

"Oh it was." You shot back, "I just wasn't certain that you wanted to shout out your hatred for the whole world to hear!"

"Enough!" The Ancient One shouted and the room fell into silence. "Master (l/n)," The Ancient One turned to you, "it will be a good experience for you. You've been here long enough that I believe you are more than capable of passing on your knowledge to Mr Strange. Besides, he will be taking the classes with the other recruits as well. You're only helping with his training. Mr Strange," now The Ancient One turned away from you and towards said person, "you said you wanted to learn, and here's your opportunity. Need I remind you that I threw you out before?"

"No ma'am." Strange mumbled dejectedly.

"Good," the Ancient One smiled, "now that that's settled, Master (l/n), help Mr. Strange get settled."

"Yes ma'am." You nodded and spun on your heel to exit the room with the assumption that Strange was following you. Once the door closed behind you, you turned to Strange with a furious aura surrounding you. "What are you doing here?" you demanded. You moved forwards and somehow, even with your shorter stature, Strange stepped back into the wall.

"I got into a car accident." He explained shakily. Apparently your fury was enough to scare even Doctor Strange.

"I know that!" you nearly shouted and jabbed a finger into his chest, "I was there the entire eleven hours that you were on the table!"

Something seemed to click behind Strange's blue-green eyes and he reared at you with nearly as much fury as you, "how could you ruin me like that!" he yelled.

"What are you talking about?" you demanded in return, but now it was your turn to step back.

"You ruined me!" he bellowed and brought up his trembling hands into your face, "I can't do anything now because of this!"

"We did the best we could!" all rational thoughts about being quiet and respectful to everyone else in the building were thrown out the window.

"Well your best wasn't very good, was it?" he snarled in return.

"It's your fault for getting in that car accident! You drove off the side of a mountain!" you shot back scathingly. "The nerve damage was already done by the time you got to the hospital!" you crossed your arms and glared at him. The two of you were in the center of the dimly lit wooden hallway only feet from the room where the Ancient One was probably still in. "Look at this, you're still alive. You're still standing, are you not?" you demanded in a dangerously low tone.

"Everything I was is gone now!" he yelled and nearly shoved his hands in your face to get his point across.

"That's not our fault! It's your fault for letting your ego get to your head and for not paying attention to the road! It was a rainy night, you were on a mountain, and you were driving recklessly!" (e/c) eyes met blue-green ones and sparks practically flew in the air between you, "would you like to explain what you were doing? It doesn't take a genius to figure out it had something to do with your over-inflated ego."

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