I'm a Doctor!

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You woke with a start and sat up before you even registered what was happening. It only took a second for you to recognize that you were in one of the hospital rooms and that the rapid beating was coming from a heart monitor hooked up to you. "Oh no." You groaned and buried your face in your hands.

The door opened and a nurse entered, "oh good, you're awake."

"How long was I out." You demanded and pulled at the heart monitor node.

"Leave that in sweetie." The nurse walked towards you and put a hand to stop you from taking out the sensor.

"I said, how long was I out?" you dictated again.

"A few hours." She answered.

"Stephen." You breathed and jumped out of the bed after successfully pulling off the heart monitor node.

"You're not supposed to-"

"I'm a doctor!" you shouted and ran out of the room. You darted through the maze of halls that you found yourself in. Luckily for you, it was one of the wards that you were familiar with and you made your way through with ease. You found yourself in the ER ward when a voice stopped you.

"(f/n)! What are you doing out of bed?" Christine scolded.

"I have to find Stephen." You looked around wildly in search for the tall man.

"Wait, you-"

"You don't understand." You gripped at her tightly, "I need to find him."

"You're going to pull out your stitches." She reprimanded you, "the damage was in your stomach, you can't risk making it worse."

"Christine! Where is he?" you shouted.

She mulled it over for a moment and then took your hands off of her body, "follow me." She led the way through the ER section. "There's a portal open in the mop closet. Last I checked, Stephen was still there." She explained.

"Thank you Christine." You sighed gratefully.

She tsked, "how much damage did you cause back there?"

"I probably freaked out the nurse who came in when I woke up." You described, "I think the last thing I did was scream 'I'm a doctor' at her."

"First Stephen, now you?" she questioned in amazement, "you're not superhuman (f/n), you're going to have to let that wound heal."

"I can't." You shook your head vigorously, "there's a war going on. I need to be there."

Christine stopped walking and glared at you, "I swear (f/n), if I need to lock you up in one of the rooms over there to make sure you heal I will." She threatened.

"Don't do that." You pleaded as she opened the door to the mop closet.

"You're okay." A deep voice interrupted your conversation.

"What? You thought I wouldn't be okay?" you sassed back, already irked by Stephen Strange.

"No, it's not that," he denied, "I'm just relieved that you are."

You smirked, "it's going to take more than a stab wound to take me down! Serious business though, what happened with Kaecilius?" you demanded.

"He escaped." Stephen shook his head, "I don't know how, I just returned and the thing-"

"The thing?" you interrupted.

"Uh...the metal thing on the wall. I threw it at Kaecilius and it trapped him?" Stephen tried to explain, "it was left there open and Kaecilius was gone."

It's All a Little Strange [Doctor Strange x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now