Chapter 4 Through the Prespective of Annie

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I've been watching tv all day. This is so weird usually I get a phone call from Steven at this time. That's it I'm calling him. I dialled his number on my iPhone. "Hey." Said Steven. "Where were you?" I asked. "Talking to jade." He answered. "Well what happened?" I asked. "Nicole thinks she's turning into a witch." "Is she high on caffeine again!?!?" "No. She's serious." "Then what the hell? Why does she think that?" I asked. "She thinks the dream was real. I'm so done." he said. "Me too." I agreed. "Jade believes her! That's the worst part!" He explained. "I can't believe this." I said. "Me neither. I need to go my moms taking me out to dinner. I'll see you soon." Said Steven. "Ok see ya soon, bye." I said. "Bye" said Steven. A witch? That's strange. Whatever I'm sure she has a reason. She can't just randomly be like hey today I decided that I'm a witch and I have no reason for it. Oh no I hope she's not seeing things or going crazy.

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