"Before you. After you,"

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Before you,

 phantasies - meaningless

illusions that plague one's mind,

removing one from the realities of life.

Before you, 

loneliness - countless days of

anguish streaming into ceaseless nights

of distress.

Before you, 

gloom - everlasting slumness,

melancholic souls and dispirited minds,

shows want of enthusiasm.

Before you, 

lovelornness - misplaced

Sentiments, heartsickness, long-familiar

feelings of unwantedness, and yet,

willing to hang on to unrequited love.

Before you,

 hopelessness - slurred visions

of the future and,

fearsome images of tomorrow.

Before you, 

chaos - mental muddiness,

And constant disarray

Of thoughts and emotions.

Before you, disorderliness.

Before you, meaninglessness.

Before you, emptiness.

Before you, Nothing.

After you, tomorrow

And all the hope there is,

After you , love

And all which belongs with it,

After you, Life,

After you, life

And all the meaning there is to it ...

PS: Sometimes it appears there's no meaning to life. But, when you  find purpose, and/ or your muse(if you will), life suddenly seems brighter than before; it appears there's so much more to life than we may have thought. And there  is. Find  that which gives meaning to your life. I've found mine, I hope you do too.

To all the meaning there is to life,

Nuerkey Narh

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