Ch.2 A Little Help

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Ludwig paced in his kitchen. It had been two days since his visit to the wall, and he didn't plan on going back simply for Prussia's sake. He wondered what the Russian bastard had done to him. It had been years since Gilbert and Ludwig had been together, but seeing him a few days ago ha made him feel...a bit better. At least he knew his sibling was still alive. He just wanted him back. There was only one issue. The only reason this was even happening was because Gilbert had taken all of the blame. He'd taken the blame for all of the war crimes and hadn't even allowed Ludwig the chance to share the blame. Now he'd been taken away and given to Ivan. The coldest of all the bastards. He had to get Gilbert out of there, and he had to do it soon. The only person he trusted to help him was Alfred. Sure, Alfred was loud and self centered, even annoying at times, but he had the purest heart that Ludwig had ever seen. Germany had been his enemy, and yet Alfred kept him alive while Russia starved him. He knew he had no right to ask for a favor, but he was going to anyway, so he called the American, asking him to visit and talk. Luckily his request had been granted and Alfred was at the door now. He invited him in and had him sit on the couch. "Hi Ludwig. What's up dude?" The grinning country greeted and Ludwig heaved a sigh, pain written on his features that wiped America's smile away. "I can't take it anymore Alfred. As you may know, Gilbert is...not with me. The Russian freak has him." Alfred nodded. "And..?" Ludwig continued. "I saw him. I went to the wall and I saw what Ivan has done to him." Tears started to pour from Ludwig's eyes. "Alfred, he's going to die if you don't help me." Alfred cocked an eyebrow. "Ludwig....he's guilty of genocide and many other bad things...we can't possibly break him out of there...I'm sorry." Ludwig sobbed, feeling like a child again. "Alfred please...he was taking up for me! He blame himself so I wouldn't have to suffer, and I didn't even have the chance to correct the mistake." Alfred's jaw dropped and he seemed utterly shocked. "You mean...? O my gosh! I never even knew Gilbert was capable of a deed like that. Something so selfless seems unlike him." Alfred smiled warmly and took Germany's hand. "Ok, we're going to get that wall taken down Ludwig, and you will have your sweet brother again."

The next day, it was declared that the wall had to be taken down. Germany rejoiced and he went to the wall, taking a sledge hammer and breaking down the god aweful thing. Russia was not happy with this at all, but even so he agreed to it. As the last bits of the concrete beast were broken away, Germany stared at a dirty, thin creature that may have at one point been Prussia. "Have you come for this?" Russia asked coldly, almost as coldly as the snow that was all around them. "Yes." Was Germany's whispered word and Prussia just stood there, staring. "Come to me Gilbert." He beckoned, but red eyes only flickered back to Russia. "идти собака. перейти к новому хозяину." (go hound, go to your new master.) With only a nod, Prussia walked over to Germany, looking at him oddly. As much as Ludwig wanted to hit Russia for calling his brother a dog, he didn't and only picked up his brother instead. "Let's go home." He whispered and carried him all the way back to his home. He was so glad to have Gilbert back, though he didn't know how much the Prussian had changed. His first action was to bathe his brother. His normally whitish silver hair was nearly black with grease and other impurities, he smelled aweful, and his skin was a gross color. He filled the tub and washed his body first. It took filling the tub twice just to get all of the grime away. Then he washed his hair, careful to get it all clean and fresh. While he soaped up Gilbert's hair for the third time, he made the mistake of looking into ruby red eyes. Prussia was staring at him and looked lost. He was clearly broken on the inside, ruined by Russian punishments and torture. He hadn't spoken a word, and those eyes...they were like a child's, a terrified child's. "Gilbert.." He whispered and hugged him, getting his own clothing wet and making Prussia go stiff. "May I...speak...?" Prussia asked timidly and Germany frowned. "Of coarse...Gilbert, you don't have to ask me to talk..." He was confused by that silly request. "I missed you Ludwig." The seriousness nearly killed him, and hearing his name was..painful. Gilbert had always called him "west," not Ludwig. He sighed an let it go, just washing out the soap for now. This was going to be a lot of work. He was going to get Prussia back to normal.

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