Chapter 2: Tom's parents

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Tom's parents names were Eliza and Dave. They made a fortune by their music careers while they were young. When they were 16/18 they started a small band with a wide range of instruments and played covers of music. They usually stuck to Classical and Pop but occasionally they played rock. This is what go the crowds attention as Eliza and Dave would rock out on Drums and electric guitar creating a thrilling vibe through the crowd.

When they were around 27 they decided to take there relationship one step further. Dave proposed to Eliza while they were having a small holiday in Japan. It was a beautiful scene that Eliza always pictured so vividly to Tom it feels like he was actually on the small boat sailing across a river in the middle of the countryside while a light breeze caused cherry blossom to swirl around the water which created small ripples on the clear surface. A huge pink blossom landed in Eliza's hair as light shone on her golden hair while she stood gazing towards a happy Dave who was leaning against the boat railing. Dave tucked a shining lock behind her ear but once he took his hand back he had a diamond ring in his hand. Eliza turned speechless for two minutes gawping at Dave in utter surprise; after overcoming her shock she threw her arms around his neck so violently they both fell over the railings off the boat into the water!

The once calm water turned rocky as Dave and Eliza fell extremely ungracefully into the water. Instead of panicking they started laughing hysterically and splashing each other. The driver of the boat soon realized there was a man overboard situation and stopped the boat. As Eliza and Dave swam back to the boat they pulled each other back as they desperately raced to get to the boat first. To Eliza's annoyance Dave beat her back but he did have the advantage of seeing the current first as it headed down the side of the river.

Once they had climbed up onto the boat again they sat down wrapped in what seemed like half a dozen towels drinking hot chocolate as the breeze was getting colder.

When Eliza was 31 she gave birth to a healthy young boy which they called Tom. Eliza and Dave had made a fortune out of their music careers so they moved to a big house in the city! Because Eliza had a passion for surfing they also had the house near the sea.

When Tom was 12 , For his parents anniversary they decided to take a relaxing cruise around the Meditaranion, but as they wanted it too be as carefree as possible they decided to leave Tom with his Grandma who lived in a big house in Dover,

The cruise trip was fine until one night as they were returning to pick up Tom in England as they were going passed America there was a storm. Some of the surviving passengers had talked about it on the news.

That day was the meant to be the best one of all. It started with a beautiful red sky in the early hours of the morning. You could tell that everyone had ignored the saying 'Red night shepherds delight, red morning shepherds warning'. The day before they had been to and departed from New Brunswick, Canada but as they were sailing in a huge boat bigger than the queen mary liner they were heading full speed back to England.So they had to stay on the ship and do one of the hundreds of activities! As the evening passed through there was a huge feast to celebrate another passing of a country...

Once the feast was over all the passengers were lead onto the decks to see the display of fireworks. The once dark and peaceful sky that's only source of light was the moon was suddenly illuminated by thousands of fireworks that crackled and sizzled in the air in a rainbow variety of colours.

After 20 minutes of enduring this beauty the world was almost peaceful until a thread like bolt of lightening lit up the sky. Another one came this time going towards the boat. The bolt delicately struck the boat but the consequences were bad. All the lights on the ship turned off. The boat must of lost all power completely as the boat started drifting to the shore. After a moment of silence the scene suddenly turned wild.
A single thump and the whining groan of the ship shut every single living soul on board and the ship began to sink. The passengers and a few members of staff desperately tried to ask the captain what to do but he would no answer their pleas...

On the news the interviewees started crying and although they carried on their sobs could not be translated into words...

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Spartapuss :)

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