Timmy helping you study

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A/N: Bitch we're almost at 100 reads. Talk about mind fucked. Thank you all so much who've read and to the person that voted, I preciate you babe ♥️. Enjoy this. (I also don't speak much Spanish but I came up with this idea and liked it)

It was 9:00pm, Sunday night, and you were trying to fit 5 years worth of Spanish into your brain for an exam you had the next day. You loved Spanish, genuinely, but when your boyfriend is sitting on a couch next to you looking like a sculpted to perfection art piece, you were both infatuated and distracted.

"Hey, Sweet Tea, wanna gimme some sugar?"

"Y/N..you did not just say that" Timmy put a hand over his face and smiled at the amount of cringe

"What, you don't want none of this?" You gestured by moving your hand in the air up and down your body and smiling

"You persuaded me" Timmy smiled and moved over to you

Timmy sat next to you, handed you a bottle of water and watched as you tried your very hardest to memorize this work.

"Why don't you let me ask you questions, babe?" Timmy asked

"Baby, you know French, not Spanish" you caressed his cheek and chuckled

"That doesn't mean I can't help you, love"

"Fine, but don't fuck up the pronunciation, okay?"

"Don't need to be so kind about it there, sweetheart" Timmy smiled shyly and took your book.

To say you were nervous was an understatement. Speaking another language to your boyfriend and trying not to sound like an electrocuted Donald Duck was enough pressure as it is.

"¿Cuál es tú comida favorita?"

"Mi comida favorita es espagueti y albóndigas"

Timmy smiled because he remembered that the first meal he ever cooked for you was spaghetti and meatballs.

"Cúal es tú película favorita?"

"Mi película favorita es The Dark Knight"

Nostalgia went through him because you both shared the same favorite movie. The first time you two watched it was when he came over to your apartment for a movie date and he found out that you both were obsessed with the masterful performance of Heath Ledger. That's when he realized...

"¿Estas enamorado de mi?"

Your brain practically shut down at that question. Did he just ask you that? You didn't even know he knew how to fucking say that.
You were in love with him tho, it shocked you that he would even ask that.

"Desde el primer día"

Timmy leaned in and kissed you with a passion that you'd never felt before. A kind of passion that you can't fake and you won't be able to replicate a second time. To sound cheesy, but it was magical.

"Te amo, té dulce"

"Te amo, mi amor"

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