Dating Timmy (Pt.2)

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A/N : As requested by Hailee 😉. Also, THANK YOU FOR 170 reads! Holy fuck. Waw. ♥️. Also, I don't speak French soooo....Google.

• Going to parties/events as a couple and looking dapper as fuck together

•Him praising how beautiful you look and can't keep his eyes off of you cause you look like a precious fucking gemstone

• When Timmy's a little tipsy at Armie's house, Armie messages you and says "Y/N come get your mans before he vomits on me,again"

•Going to get your mans and he slurs "Y/N, baby oh-h-mmm-ggg heeeeyyyy caaannnnn I kisss yooouuu?" And then proceeds to pucker his lips up

•You laughing in amusement cause lmao what a man you have.

•Random dance sessions in your apartment

•Timmy trying to twirl you or you guys dancing together to a slow, romantic song with his hand on your ass or you hip and he's gently swaying your waist around and softly hums in your ear.

•"I want to stay like this forever with you"

•"Me too, Sweet Tea"

•Timmy cooking a French dish for you and you being amazed there anything he can't do?     (Seriously, end me)

•Him whispering in your ear dirty French words and phrases he'd like to do to you.

•"Je veux te baiser contre ce compteur maintenant"

•You knowing it was dirty even though you don't speak French but, because he's a little kinky fuck

•"I understood nothing, but, yes"

•Pauline and you becoming very close and bonding over random shit, including Timmy

•"Timmy is literally so in love with you that it physically sickens me sometimes Y/N"

•"Thanks...P"  *cue weird nervous laugh*

•You learning some French to tease Timmy when he's reading his scripts"

•"Ne te concentrerais-tu pas plus si tu me laissais s'il te plait un petit peu bébé?"

•His eyes growing huge and then an immediate blush spreads across his face

•"Les choses que tu me fais mon amour"

Bonjour! I hope you enjoyed that. It's late (12am) and this is all my peanut sized brain can conjure. Hope I did you SOME justice Hailee ♥️. Part 3??  Leave requests if you want, i dont't know, feed my ego, thanks.

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