Chapter Seven*

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Picture of Little Nikolai - MM

Sarah P.O.V


That's all I seem to be doing in this freaking hospital.


For someone, anyone to come tell me what is going on. How am I going to explain this to Nikolai? He doesn't have nobody now that his mom is in the hospital.

He has me though.

As my thoughts start swallowing me a doctor walks from the double doors, "family of Makayla Smith." I rushed to him. "Yes how is she? Is she okay? Is she awake? Is she dead? OUT WITH IT, I NEED TO KNOW!" I started hyperventilating with how fast the questions were shooting out of my mouth.

"Ma'am, please calm down and I can explain. We successfully removed the bullets out of Ms. Smith. One bullet hit her shoulder and the second bullet was an inch away from her heart. Unfortunately,as we were working on her, her heart rate dropped to low and she fell into a coma".

She's in a coma? This can't be!

"We aren't sure how long she'll be in this coma, but only time will tell. She will be heavily monitor by myself and our on the clock nurses, so she is in great hands. Do you have any questions or concerns?"

Looking at the doctor I couldn't help but contemplate on her being alive or not. She's in a coma so that's neither good or bad. Sigh. "Can I leave my number as an emergency contact so I am up to date on issues concerning my dear sister," I ask.

"Yes you may, please go to the front desk and fill out the forms." With that the doctor turned around without another word.

As I'm walking out only one word came to mind,



Christoph P.O.V

Pacing back and forth, I couldn't stop my thoughts from running havoc.

Could I have a baby?

This couldn't be possible, but could it?

Those eyes, the same eyes that stare back at me when I look in a mirror.

"Figlio, perché mi hai chiamato," my father said as he walks through the door. (Son, why did you call me)

Without giving him a glance, "Go look in your wife's arms".




"Merda!" (Shit)

I slowly rise out of my seat and walk into the living room, where my father and mother was with the unknown child.

Every time I'm around this child I sense a strange connection. I can't explain this feeling but it's there. Is that even possible?

"Caro, saluta nostro nipote," my mother couldn't take her eyes off of that little boy (dear, say hello to our grandson). I don't blame her though his eyes were enticing. Blue with specs of grey. "Assomiglia proprio a un Christoph quando era piccolo." (He looks just like Christoph when he was a baby)

"Si caro, lo fa." (Yes dear, he does). My fathers eyes shift from the boy to me to the kitchen and already knew what he meant.

Right when we both stepped into the kitchen my father begins to rant in his heavy accent. "This can not be possible son! That child is a spitting image of you, how the hell is that even poss-", pausing mid sentence as my brother Apollo walks in and sits down.

"Apollo, me and your brother are having a conversation, leave."

"Oh no go ahead I won't disturb."

I couldn't do anything but laugh as dad glared at Apollo, he always likes to be in the conversations even when they're never about him, lol. Motioning for us to continue dad shook his head and proceeded, "As I was saying, how is it possible that that child looks like you unl-"

"Are you guys talking about Nikolai?" Apollo questioned. "I was wondering the same thing about the whole eye situation. Thought he was Spencer's but he's way to bright, hell he's brighter than Makayla."

His name is Nikolai.... did she know?

"Pause.... Rewind! What did you just say Apollo? She's related to Spencer!?"

"Ugh no, that is her stepdad. Why does it matter?"

Sighing, I just know that without a doubt that little boy has to be mine.


Ignoring my father and brother, I walk to where the crying is coming from. Once I reach it, I grab the little boy from my mother and stare into his eyes.


A little bit over two years ago my father injected this young girl who couldn't of been no more than 18 or 19 years old. To this day her eyes pierced my memory, deep brown swelled up with tears pleading for her life. My father knew that I didn't want to go through with it but I let him so he would leave me the FUCK alone. All that just for an heir to the Bianchi-Vasiliev Family Mafia. Now looking into this little boy's eyes rocking him back to sleep, I knew one thing for sure I needed to make sure his mother is okay and I need to take care of him.

My sweet boy.


847 Words.

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