Chapter Eight*

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A month and half later ...

Makayla P.O.V

Looking around, all I could see was pitch black. I start to walk in the deep abyss of darkness until a door came into view.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

Touching the doorknob my body instantly went ice cold and every single aspect of my life starts flashing before me. 

The fun me and my mother had, 
My mother marrying Spencer,
My mother leaving me all alone,
Spencer beating the living daylights out of me, 
Getting taken and injected with a needle, 
Finding out I'm pregnant, 
Beatings while I was pregnant, 
Nikolai being born, 
Meeting Sarah and finally being shot.

Tears start streaming down my face, how could I live by going through all that.

"It's not time yet Makayla, don't open the door."

Hesitantly, I backed away from the door and turned around start running. The door began grow smaller and smaller until it vanished.

Eyes shooting open, I start heaving and panicking from the unfamiliar space. Am I in the hospital? The creak of the door tore my attention to whomever walks in.


None other than Sarah.

"Sara-", I try to get out but soon interrupted.

"Pensavo di perdere il mio migliore amico!" (I thought I was going to lose my best friend)

"Sarah.. Water.. Please" I barely get out in a raspy voice.

"Oh, yes I can do that", as she was getting me water a nurse walks in. She starts checking my vitals. Does she know that I'm awake?  Before she left she turns around and says, "the doctor should be in with you in a few minutes Ms. Smith."

A few moments later the doctor walks in.

"Glad to see you're up, Ms. Smith.  I'm Dr. Phillip."

Clearing my throat, "I'm okay Dr. Phillip, just in slight pain is all."

"That's to be expected. I am just going to check your bandages now, is there any questions or concerns you have?"

"Yes, how long have I been here?"

"You have been at the hospital under a watchful eye for a month and half ma'am. We had to resuscitate you about three times before your pulse came back. You slipped into a coma as well. So observation was and still will be mandatory for you, Ms. Smith", Dr. Phillip said as he finished the brief exam over my body. 

Glancing over me once more he gave me a wide smile, "Overall you seem to be doing better. I would like to keep you here for at least a night or two just to monitor since you were in a coma previously, just for precaution, alright?" Nodding my head at him before he left I shifted my eyes to Sarah's sorrow filled ones.

Raising my hand, "please don't feel sorry for me it is my life so don't feel sad. I'm happy to be alive more or less", motioning for a hug she quickly hugs back. "Now on to important things, did you find my baby boy? I would like to see him please."

"Yes yes Apollo did, I will message him and let him know to bring Nikolai here."

Laying back relaxing, as I listen to the taps coming from Sarah's phone as my eyes soon drifted close.

* * *

Christoph P.O.V

As I'm laying down on the couch, I hear a flash go off. Shooting up grabbing a hold of the sleeping form on my chest, I look around.

"Mamma, perché stai scattando foto?" I groan. She's always taking pictures of someone when they don't know, it gets extremely annoying. (Mom, why are you taking pictures)

"Amo le mie foto, ora devo fotografare te e tuo figlio", says while rolling her eyes at me. Shaking my head I couldn't do anything but chuckle at her. (I love my pictures, now I have to take pictures of you and your son)

My son.

Apollo bursts in the room scaring Nikolai making him cry out loud, oh great. "Oh my bad I didn't mean for him to start crying". Rolling my eyes I rock him back and forth until he settles down while starring at me with those eyes.

"What do you want Apollo, we were busy", I just couldn't take my eyes off of this being that I may have helped create. Yes I said 'may' , I'm not entirely sure if he is mine or not but I think I can be pretty positive th-

"Damn Chris! Did you hear what I said?"

"No I didn't but it doesn't matter because you're going to say it twice like you always do."

"You right about that, anyways Sarah texted me saying bring Nikolai to the hospital because Makayla is up and wants to see him. This will also give you some time to get a test done while we are there."

Makayla, that is a beautiful name.

"Yeah alright let me just get him dressed and we can go." With that I start dressing Nikolai in some clothes. Thankfully, mom already bathe him. I decide to put on some of AJ's clothes that he never wore.

Right when he has the clothes on I sit him on the counter to take a picture. I decided that I would finally post a new picture on my Instagram that Sarah made me get, saying it would boost my famous status or whatever she said, women.

 I decided that I would finally post a new picture on my Instagram that Sarah made me get, saying it would boost my famous status or whatever she said, women

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BO$$MANN: Little Man



Damn, didn't realize how many people follow me, but I can't blame them I'm too sexy... Alright let me stop

You have a kid?

Really, Chris now you have a kid?

Y'all are like twins so cute!

Can I have your next baby?

Call me

While reading some comments I couldn't do anything but laugh. These females are too much. As I kept receiving comments on the picture, I saw a comment from Sarah, she stays on here too much.

Mrs_AV_Wifey: Awwwwww look at him! My god baby 

Mrs_AV_Wifey: wait he looks like you 😳😍🤔

Looking at the picture then at Nikolai, shaking my head I pick him up heading for the car.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1033 Words.

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