Chapter 3

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Diana's Pov

I just got back from work and I decided I should give a skype call to my BFF back in Macedonia. Luckily she was online and answered the same second as I called her screaming "Dianaaaa, omg are you alive? Finally after a week you decide to call me? You know I've been waiting for that."

"OMG. Okay, okay slow down. I miss you too." I said laughing.

"Sooo .. how's there? How's being an actress? Did you met some celebrity?"

''Great. It's amazing, I mean still nobody knows me but it's so much fun. And yeah I met somebody." I said laughing.

''Whaaat, who? Wait please don't tell me it's Justin Bieber!"

''Sadly.. no! Hahaha you'll never guess.''

''What, who, ohh.. Dylan O'Brian" I just shook my head still smiling.

Her: "Wait am I obsessed with them?" I nodded.''Wait it's male or female?''

Me: ''Male''

Her: ''What ahhh... a youtuber.''

Me: ''Not exactly.''

Her: ''Hell... an actor.''

Me: ''Nope.''

Her: ''Noo.. you met some of the guys of Big Time Rush.''

Me: ''Noo'' I said squealing "And they're actors as well, if you forgot"

Her: ''Okay, yeah. Are you joking with me? Then who?''

Me: I took a deep breathe ''Alex, I met Ashton Irwin".

Her: ''What? You're fucking with me! What wha wait what?''

Me: ''Yeah I met Ashton! aahhhh''

Her: ''Ohh my god! Why didn't you sent me a picture of you two. Oh my god! Why didn't you took an autogram for mee?''

Me: ''I don't have any prove.'' my smile was fading as I realised that I have nothing but memory with him.

Her: ''What? You met your celebrity crush.. that's the same five yeah now and .. wait how did it happen?''

''Well I was going home''.. I told her everything

''Fuck, well maybe I'm gonna meet Luke when I get there.'' said Alex sarcasticly

''Hey Alex what happend with that?''

She smiled widely ''I'm coming there for two months. They really liked my work so I'm gonna be really making hairstyles to famous people.''

''Oh my god I'm so happy for you.''

We've been talking for two hours straith, and now I got to read my script.

Ashton's Pov

Three weeks have past since I met the girl and she's on my mind like everyday. What the hell is happening? I went to rehearsals and whenever I sang a song it reminded me of her. Yesterday night I even wrote a song inspirated by her. I still haven't told anybody. That's just not me. I don't fall in love.

It was 6 pm now and I was crossing the street. There were no bananas in our house. Like, what the fuck? That shit never happens.

I reached the side walk. While turning my head to the front I saw a familiar face. I saw the girl. My heart started to pound and without thinking I changed directions and bumped into her.

Diana's Pov

My rehearsals were done for today. Half of my scenes were filmed. I was so happy. I was the best friend to the main character so I was in lot's of scenes. I was walking down the sidewalk, remembering the day I met Ashton here. If that ever happens again it would be soo fucking amazing. My thoughts were cut cause someone bumped into me.

''Ohhh, I am so sorry. I should watch where I am going.'' a very familiar voice said while catching my arm so I won't fall.

My eyes went wild ''OH MY GOD!" I literally screamed. He started smiling. ''Hey you're m.. the crazy girl.''

What he remembers ''I guess I am... but you meet girls like me every day''.

His smile faded and I thought I said something wrong, but he bit his lip and said ''Gimme your phone''.

I was shocked but tried to stay calm as I gave him my phone. It wasn't an iPhone, I still haven't made enough money so I was still stuck with my android I had two years now.

"Can you unlock it?" He asked laughing.

''Oh, yeah, right." I said taking it back, unlocking the screen and giving it back to him.

He wrote his number and said ''I'll be expecting your call this time tomorrow, which is 6pm. Okay?''

''Okay.'' I answered not moving a muscle as he walked away.

Heey guys! Wazzaa?

So before you continue reading my fanfiction you should know that like 90% of the facts are from my head. You'll know what I am talking about if you continue reading. :D

'Different' by mukefeels is sooo fucked up! It's a paranormal story about Michael Clifford. Than't all I can tell.

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